Whom to contact

It is our great pleasure to extend a very warm welcome to everyone!
We hope this web site will meet your information needs and, for those unfamiliar with the University, provide a comprehensive introduction to our work, to our aspirations and achievements and to the many opportunities we offer for partnership and participation in the pursuit of our goals.
There are a number of factors that make this a particularly exciting and dynamic period in the history of the University among which the increasing recognition of the high quality of our teaching and research, the continuing development of the capital city of which we are privileged to be part, a number of ambitious and visionary projects.
Through the efforts of a dedicated and talented staff, the University has established itself as a progressive and successful centre of higher education and earned its current position among the front rank of Italian universities. Our success serves further to fuel our ambition as we increase our service to society – locally, nationally and internationally.
Our main mission is to produce knowledge and to transmit it within an international horizon. We want to provide our students with the necessary skills for a quick and satisfactory entrance into the labour market. Our motto is ‘learning by doing‘.
Whether you are a prospective student or a current student; a staff member or collaborator; or one of our many other stakeholders, we hope you benefit from your visit to this site and any further interaction with the University.

International Mobility Office

Information and assistance for:

  • University applications
  • inter-institutional agreements
  • calls for participation in mobility programmes
  • EU grants, University grants and supplementary contribution
  • incoming mobility
  • issue of certifications

Address: Via Ostiense 129, ground floor

The offices can be contacted through the Link identifier #identifier__117350-1helpdesk and by Link identifier #identifier__178116-2fixing a video call appointment via Microsoft Teams.

EU mobility programmes: Link identifier #identifier__175997-3eu-programmes@uniroma3.it

Erasmus Inter-Institutional Agreements/Teaching and Staff Mobility: Link identifier #identifier__188339-4erasmus.agreements@uniroma3.it

Roma Tre mobility programmes: Link identifier #identifier__145385-5mobilita.internazionale@uniroma3.it

Students with Foreign Qualification

Information and assistance for:

  • enrollments
  • equivalences of foreign qualifications
  • issue of certifications

Address: Via Ostiense 129, ground floor

The offices can  be contacted through the Link identifier #identifier__138181-6helpdesk and by Link identifier #identifier__106436-7fixing a video call appointment via Microsoft Teams.

Link identifier #identifier__103854-8segr.stud.titoloestero@uniroma3.it

International Affairs Office

The Link identifier #identifier__17308-9International Affairs Office handles international agreements, double degrees programmes, institutional projects for the internationalization of teaching and third mission, as well as international networks. Within the General Management Coordination Area, the office oversees and coordinates internal structures regarding international relations and policies.

National Research Office

European Research Office

Informazioni di sistema 19 March 2024