
Roma Tre University considers a priority action, processing personal data in a fair and transparent way, to establish a trust-based relation among students, staff and third parties meeting the University.

University’s purposes are to process personal data for the pursuit of its institutional goals within the limits established by Statute, laws and regulations in respect of the rights and fundamental freedom as well as in respect of the dignity of the person concerned with particular reference to the confidentiality, the person identity and the right to personal data protection.

Link identifier #identifier__181056-1 Frequently Asked Questions

Informative notes

  • Link identifier #identifier__144058-2Informative note for students: information about the processing of personal data for individuals attending courses at all levels, guidance and vocational activities held by Roma Tre University;
  • Link identifier #identifier__159833-3Informative note for staff: information about processing personal data for individuals who work or collaborate, even occasionally, with Roma Tre University;
  • Link identifier #identifier__155340-4Informative note for research evaluation system: information for users of the research evaluation and self-evaluation system called “Evaluation support system of university scientific production”;
  • Link identifier #identifier__20062-5Informative note for suppliers and organizations: information about the processing of personal data relating to economic operators interested in participating in assignment procedures for the awarding of supplies, services and the execution of works or relating to third parties, individuals who have a working relationship within the institutional needs of the University;
  • Link identifier #identifier__63036-6Informative note on Microsoft products and services: information about the processing of personal data performed through Microsoft products and services acquired under the Campus and School Agreement – CASA – EES.


The full text is published in the appropriate section of the governing bodies: Link identifier #identifier__186505-6Regolamento di Ateneo in materia di protezione dei dati personali.


Roma Tre University is data controller of all the personal data held, both collected in databases or not, automated or paper-based except for the case when the University has been designated as responsible of processing by means of legal act. The data controller e-mail and PEC addresses are the following: Link identifier ; Link identifier

The data protection Officer is stated in art 37 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, he is designated by the data Controller to carry out support and audit activities as well as consultancy, information and training activities relating the application of the abovementioned Regulation. The data protection Officer e-mail and PEC addresses are the following: Link identifier ; Link identifier

Questions not related to processing of personal data will not be considered

Operational instructions for the production of videos and multimedia, promotional and informative material

In the following page: Link identifier #identifier__88195-7Operating instructions for photographic and audiovisual recordings you will find instructions for the production of videos and multimedia, promotional and informative material during events at University premises.

Informazioni di sistema 04 May 2023