Wi-Fi Network
Roma Tre University provides a free Wi-Fi wireless connection 802.11b/g/n/ac. The access to free Wi-Fi network is allowed to University teaching staff and administrative staff, students and accredited visitors.
To enter the Wi-Fi wireless connection, it is necessary to have credentials issued by the University:
- teaching and administrative staff should use their own account;
- students should use the access credentials to the Student Portal;
- visitors should use the credentials issued by the IT office (Link identifier #identifier__63567-1Request for temporary account)
Credentials request is made through the Link identifier #identifier__181729-2helpdesk .
To access the service, please login to the following networks:
It is conceived for quick and occasional use and to allow access to devices that do not provide transmission in WPA2 mode, the only one which adhere to current safety standards in use in Wi-Fi networks. By this access mode, exception made for entering credentials at the authentication stage, data are transmitted in plain text (not recommended choice).
How to access RM3 Wi-Fi network
Users can access the service by connecting to the wireless network “RM3Wi-Fi” (selecting it from the available ones), open a browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, ecc.), type in any internet address and enter for login authentication.
To ensure a secure connection, particularly for the activities handling sensitive data, it is strongly recommended the use of the Rm3wi-FiWPA network that provides data transmission in encrypted mode.
How to access RM3 Wi-FiWPA network
Users can access the service by connecting to the wireless network “RM3Wi-FiWPA” (selecting it from the available ones), enter the WPA network “Uniroma3WiFi” (carefully respecting the upper and lower case letters indicated)and once connected open a browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, ecc.), type in, any internet address and enter for login authentication.
Both networks allow access to the website Link identifier #identifier__126877-3www.uniroma3.it and other University basic services without authentication.
Temporary account
In special conditions (ex. for visitors or during events) the University provides access to its wireless services issuing temporary account. A temporary account should be requested by the University staff through their own credentials. For further information, please refer to the following web page: Link identifier #identifier__133502-4Request for temporary account .
Access to University wireless Wi-Fi implies the acceptance of the “Link identifier #identifier__10578-5Regolamento di utilizzo della rete di Ateneo” (Regulation on the use of University network), please remember that the wireless connection should be used exclusively for educational purposes, it is not allowed :
- the use for illegal activities such as downloading copyrighted material (films, music, etc.);
- the setup of unauthorized Wireless Hot Spot or the configuration of your computer as Hot Spot
Link identifier #identifier__84544-6Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Italian version
Wireless and Federations
Roma Tre University joins the Link identifier #identifier__115083-7Policy Garr, supports the deployment and use of the wireless network by users which have been approved, for this purpose promotes agreements with other bodies in order to contribute to their development. In addition to ordinary networks, additional wireless connection modes are available for external staff: agreements with the major federations (Eduroam, Metropolitan Wifi…) allow many to benefit from our wireless connection.
- Link identifier #identifier__136461-8Eduroam
- Link identifier #identifier__144158-9WiFimetropolitano