Civil, Computer Science and Aeronautical Technologies Engineering

The Department of Civil, Computer Science and Aeronautical Technologies Engineering of Roma Tre University has been established in 2023 inheriting much of the experiences of the Engineering Department (2012-2022) and of the pre-existing faculty. It constitutes a research and technological innovation center providing advanced training courses, it’s located close to St. Paul Basilica in an historical industrial area of Rome which has been widely renovated, near two subway stations, several bus lines and to the cycling path running along the Tevere river crossing the town from north to south.

The course catalogue provides degree programs in the fields of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science and Management Engineering, Aeronautical and Industrial Engineering, it is constantly updated thanks to the network with business and professional sector ensuring the highest and most qualified employment levels for its graduates.

Research contributes to the production of new knowledge and interacts with teaching and technological innovation activities through continuous and mutual exchanges. It is supported by internal as well as by external public and private funds, often in collaboration with national and international scholars and institutions.

In the five-year period 2017-2022, the Department has been awarded among 180 Italian Departments as “Department of Excellence” of the Italian University System.

The educational activities of the Department involve all University cycles from Bachelor’s degrees to Master’s degrees and PhD courses, as well as more specific courses, such as Advanced Professional courses and Postgraduate courses with the purpose to meet the needs arising from technological evolution, society and labor market. Students are increasingly and actively involved in research activities, from first Cycle Degree to third Cycle Degree contributing with original ideas


WebsiteLink identifier #identifier__61570-1
DirectorLink identifier #identifier__9694-2STEFANO CARRESE
Administration and Management Secretariat Link identifier #identifier__38685-3LAURA GROSSI
Research Secretariat Link identifier #identifier__126197-4MIHAELA ILIE
Academic Secretariat Link identifier #identifier__195081-5SIMONA ERRIU
Phone: 06 57336415/6201/6212/6463
Fax: 06 57336444


WebsiteLink identifier #identifier__185959-6
DirectorLink identifier #identifier__20125-7STEFANO CARRESE
Administration and Management Secretariat Link identifier #identifier__98006-8LAURA GROSSI
Research Secretariat Link identifier #identifier__66210-9MIHAELA ILIE
Academic Secretariat Link identifier #identifier__194999-10SIMONA ERRIU
Phone: 06 57336415/6201/6212/6463
Fax: 06 57336444
Link identifier #identifier__153583-11Academic staff
Link identifier #identifier__45737-12Non-academic staff
Informazioni di sistema 08 June 2023