Roma Tre University, in synergy with its departments, theLink identifier #identifier__175309-1 Job Placement Office and theLink identifier #identifier__51579-2 Internships Office, promotes and strengthens outgoing orientation, job placement, and labour supply and demand intermediation services, and the quantity and quality of curricular and extracurricular internships and apprenticeships. Collaborating with placement initiatives, through the Link identifier #identifier__6417-3Porta Futuro platform, is the Lazio Regional Body for the Right to Education and the Promotion of Knowledge (DiSCo).
To promote the external visibility of graduates, Roma Tre University has implemented the new Link identifier #identifier__91664-4IT platform Porta Futuro for the advanced management of placements and curricular and post-graduate internships.
The university is also committed to the building up of a registry of Roma Tre students and graduates for the public consultation of CVs and to the promotion of an innovative project to enhance and improve the CVs in the registry through the certification of acquired extracurricular skills, including specialist, transversal and soft skills.
Students work experiences are promoted at the departmental level during degree courses through curricular internships, degree theses carried out within the context of corporate internships, advanced training and research apprenticeships, and, more generally, through various forms of contact with productive entities.
The university is committed to a Career Services Development Plan in collaboration with the Italian National Agency for Active Labour Policies (Anpal Servizi). Particular attention is paid to career days and job meetings. The project “Roma Tre Meets the Business World” was launched in November 2018 in order to strengthen ties with the country’s leading companies for the benefit of students and researchers.