
The Department of Law aims at providing an innovative academic offer in the field of Legal Science. The main objective is to ensure a basic legal background, able to satisfy the changing demands of the labour market and also characterised by the development of a critical discernment and an adequate cultural awareness. The educational path was therefore conceived in order to foster the relation between students and professors through a didactic approach focused on critical learning rather than on the simple transmission of highly specialised technical knowledge. The Department also offers interactive educational initiatives based on the so called ‘learning by doing’ approach as for example the Legal Clinics and the Moot Court Competitions. Particular attention is paid to internationalisation, through the offer of educational paths especially conceived for training legal experts at a European level. For this reason the Department offer specific paths leading to double degrees with foreign partner universities (Poitiers, Murcia, Nova Southeastern University) as well as single courses taught in different languages of the European Union and study and research exchanges within the Erasmus programme or on bilateral agreements with European and non-European universities. The postgraduate offer is also relevant and articulated: International Doctoral School focused on research training, several Postgraduate courses for the acquisition of specific professional skills and Specialisation School for legal professions.

The above-mentioned educational goals are supported by a solid research activity led by the Department professors, whose innovative results are continuously transferred into didactics. Research is conceived to involve traditional legal studies and a strong correlation between legal and historical, philosophical and economic disciplines; moreover, importance is given to the creation of a sensitivity to economic and social data in a context characterized by the regionalisation and internationalisation of human relations under the pressure of economic-social processes that are taken into account by the professors of different disciplines. Even in research, internationalisation is therefore an essential element, which is carefully promoted through projects involving lecturers and researchers from European and non-European universities and through fruitful exchanges aimed at transforming the Department into international meeting point for scholars and for the spread of research and legal culture.

The Department of Law has been awarded by the MIUR (Ministry of University and Research) as “Department of Excellence” for the next five years 2018- 2022.




WebsiteLink identifier #identifier__40742-1
DirectorLink identifier #identifier__121885-2ANTONIO CARRATTA
Administration and Management Secretariat Link identifier #identifier__157981-3GIUSEPPINA SANTILLI
Phone: 06 57332504/2510/2578
Fax: 06 57332193
Research Secretariat Link identifier #identifier__188008-4GIUSEPPINA SANTILLI
Phone: 06 57332504/2510/2578
Fax: 06 57332192
Academic Secretariat Link identifier #identifier__119804-5ANGELA MARIA DOMENICA DE VITO
Phone: 06 57332560 (per informazioni al pubblico)
Fax: 06 57332191
Link identifier #identifier__195199-6Academic staff
Link identifier #identifier__109223-7Non-academic staff
Informazioni di sistema 08 June 2023