The evaluation of the research activities carried out in universities has gained significant importance both for the entire university system as well as within each single university. Roma Tre has hence looked at the possibility of providing the University with suitable information tools that could best support the monitoring and evaluation of the research activities carried out in its departments. Among these the creation of a University Research Repository was considered particularly important.
The Research Repository is meant to fulfil other fundamental needs in addition to its primary use, in order for it to significantly contribute to the development of the university.
Research Universities should be able to more and more successfully dialogue with the economic and productive reality of the country. The university departments should disseminate to the productive world the issues the research is being facing and their results.
The repository allows to find, with reference to both the individual researcher and the various research groups, information related to ‘research products’ such as:
- Publications of books;
- Publications of chapters or essays in books;
- Publication of articles in scientific reviews;
- Publication of articles on conference proceedings;
- Other products (patents, projects, multi-media products etc.).
To represent the University’s policy on Open Access and, at the same time, provide operational support to authors of scientific contributions, the informative document named Link identifier #identifier__68840-1“Roma Tre University’s guidelines on open access to scientific production”
Link identifier #identifier__8237-2Research Repository