Local area and social inclusion services

Roma Tre offers various services for the local area and its communities, including initiatives aimed at promoting the culture of prevention in the context of healthcare, also through a range of seminars open to the public.

Specific social inclusion initiatives are implemented regarding disability, immigration and the criminal justice system.

Roma Tre enacts specific programmes aimed at ensuring the full inclusion of people with disabilities and specific learning disorders in university studies. In particular, the Link identifier #identifier__102102-1Students with Special Needs Office works in close collaboration with the Rector’s Delegate for Disability and the Head of Directorate 6 to offer a range of services that address the main issues faced by students.

Another concrete commitment concerns specific actions to promote the social integration of immigrants. Initiatives already undertaken have targeted, first of all, the promotion and certification of linguistic and communications skills for the integration of migrants, through the Link identifier #identifier__131023-2University Languages Centre (CLA), as an official certifying body of the Italian language. Other important actions include the legal orientation service, offered by the Link identifier #identifier__156299-3Rights, Immigration and Citizenship Clinic, and participation in the project ‘Mentorship in Italian Universities – Youth-to-youth support for the integration of students with different backgrounds’, aimed at promoting the inclusion of migrants in university life. The integration of migrants is promoted by the university through support for the activities of the sports club Link identifier #identifier__15565-4Polisportiva Atletico Diritti.

Finally, several activities promoted by Roma Tre are targeted at the criminal justice system, many of which part of the Prison Rights Project. Among these are the activities of the Prison Law Clinic, which see students contributing to Legal Information Points established at two major prisons in Rome. Of fundamental importance is the initiative to support the . Specific agreements with prison administrations and the adoption of innovative rules for Persons subjected to measures restricting their personal freedom (Regolamento Carriera) have led to particularly positive results in terms of enrolment, educational advancement and, in various cases, the completion of university studies. Another important activity targets the promotion of culture at penitentiary institutions, in particular, that of the dramatic arts, which is developed, among other initiatives, through a special laboratory involving students of the Fine Art, Music and Performing Arts (DAMS) degree course in the preparation of the shows of one of the theatrical companies operating at the Rebibbia Nuovo Complesso prison in Rome, as well as through the presentation of a great number of shows by prisoners and former prisoners at the university’s Palladium Theatre.


Informazioni di sistema 23 September 2022