Sustainable Mobility

During this third Millennium even Universities have finally become aware of the need to contribute to sustainable development. The means is the adoption of strategic policies and actions aimed at reducing consumption, preserving resources and, as far as the University Mobility Manager Office is concerned, at developing sustainable mobility. Following other national and international universities, Roma Tre has decided to actively participate in the construction of a new development model outlining a path in the organisation of strategies, actions and available resources to favour the dissemination of the concept of sustainability.

Roma Tre University promotes actions aimed at improving environmental quality, first of all by encouraging the use of public transport and the use of alternative means of transport to the traditional private ones. The main initiatives taken by the Office in these years are: electric car-sharing, creation of a discount policy on yearly Metrebus fares, bike-sharing, agreements with Trenitalia and Italo Treno for railway discounts. The home-to-work travel plan is drawn up annually.

Further Information available in the Italian version of the website.


Informazioni di sistema 12 February 2024