Industrial, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Industrial, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering (DIIEM) of Roma Tre University intends to be the centre of excellence of the University as for the main areas of Industrial, Electronic, Mechanical Engineering and applied sciences thanks to the synergy between human and instrumental resources which contribute to the sustainable development of contemporary society.

The achievement of this aim is carried out through the following activities:

  • innovative and multidisciplinary educational programmes at all university levels, Bachelor’s and Master’s degree, PhD, postgraduate courses for the training of new professionals enabling them to face the ever-changing labour market changes;
  • scientific excellence research promoting sustainable innovation through an increasing cooperation between business world and new professional profiles in order to generate and share ideas and technologies meeting the growing needs of an increasingly smart, safe, sustainable society;
  • transfer of processes and product innovation towards the world of manufacturing supply chains and industrial services, research centre, public bodies for the enhancement of the local social and productive system.

Within this context the education and training of young people constitute a key point for the activities of DIIEM. This is achieved through a high and significant student participation according to the individual educational path through teaching and research laboratories and through the wide range of projects research and technology transfer held by the Department.

Link identifier #identifier__72942-1Academic staff
Link identifier #identifier__110514-2Non-academic staff


WebsiteLink identifier #identifier__157238-11
DirectorLink identifier #identifier__13773-12SALVATORE ANDREA SCIUTO
Administration and Management Secretariat Link identifier #identifier__70782-13ENRICO ACCIARDI
Research Secretariat Link identifier #identifier__125033-14ROBERTA PETRINI
Phone: 0657337013
Informazioni di sistema 08 June 2023