Double and joint degrees

The term Double Degree (DD) refers to a course of study that involves an academic path designed jointly with at least one other foreign university, with some activities being taught at one’s home university and some activities being taught at the host university. At the end of the study pathway, each partner university award its national diploma.

The term Joint Degree (JD) is used to denote a course of study with an integrated curriculum designed jointly with at least one other foreign university, which provides for the delivery of some teaching at one’s own university and some teaching at the partner university. At the end of the study pathway, the partner universities issue a single, joint, diploma.

Among its internationalisation activities, Roma Tre University has signed many agreements with foreign universities especially of Double Degree Programmes.
Academic staff interested in this type of agreements can contact the Link identifier #identifier__121285-1International Agreement Office for consultancy and assistance.

Students can find information on Double Degree Programmes and all the courses offered in a foreign language by visiting the Link identifier #identifier__36955-2Roma Tre Orientation website.

Have a look at Link identifier #identifier__18826-3Double and Joint Degrees offered by Roma Tre University.

Informazioni di sistema 06 September 2024