Governance and Management

RectorLink identifier #identifier__51341-1 Massimiliano Fiorucci

Vice Rector, delegate for the coordination of third mission activities Link identifier #identifier__161966-2Anna Lisa Tota
Deputy  Rector, delegate for the coordination of teaching activities Link identifier #identifier__34804-3Elisabetta Bonvino
Deputy Rector, delegate for the coordination of research activities Link identifier #identifier__9988-4Paolo Visca
Deputy Rector, delegate for the coordination of internationalisation activities Link identifier #identifier__127699-5Giorgio Resta 
Deputy Rector delegate for policies related to innovation and technology transfer Alessandro Neri
Deputy Rector delegate for institutional relations between University’s bodiesLink identifier #identifier__91167-6 Mario De Nonno
Deputy Rector, delegate for policies related to infrastructure and safety Link identifier #identifier__160379-7Fabio Crescimbini
Deputy Rector, delegate for relations with schools, third sector and voluntary organisations, public and private bodies Link identifier #identifier__64552-8Marco Catarci
Deputy Rector, delegate for budgetary policies Link identifier #identifier__118399-9Marco Tutino

Link identifier #identifier__2044-10Academic Senate
Link identifier #identifier__161438-11Board of Trustees

Director General Link identifier #identifier__62514-12Alberto Attanasio

Informazioni di sistema 12 February 2024