The course "Corporate Responsibility and Consumers" shows the evolution of civil responsibility related to business and analyses the position of the lawmaker with respect to development risks, seeking a balance between the needs of productivity and the protection of third parties.
In particular, the links between the ex ante protection and the ex post protection will be verified and deepened, examining civil techniques to prevent and repair harms from the perspective of law and economics as well as analysing their effects in the law in action.
Thus, the course intends to give students the knowledge of different processes that lead to different answers about the problem of the role and function of liability, not only relating to time, but also to areas of influence, with a particular emphasis on civil and common law.
teacher profile | teaching materials


- Civil liability rules and corporate civil liability
- Subjective responsibility, strict liability and assurance
- Common law e civil law
- Law and economics
- Corporate criminal responsibility and organizational models ex d. lgs. n. 231/2001
- Ue regulation about safety products and liability for defective products
- Case studies

Core Documentation

AA.VV., Manuale di diritto dei consumi, a cura di L. Rossi Carleo, Giappichelli, Torino, 2015, with exclusive reference to the following parts: Parte I (pp. 3-32); Parte III, Capitolo Secondo: La sicurezza dei prodotti: profili evolutivi e aspetti sostanziali (pp. 203-218); Parte IV, Capitolo Secondo, Sezione Quarta: La sicurezza dei prodotti: profili applicativi (pp. 247-252); Parte IV, Capitolo Terzo, Sezione Terza: La responsabilità per danno da prodotti difettosi (pp. 283-306). Supplementary and up-to-date information and materials will be available to students on the website of the course

Reference Bibliography

Please, contact the professor for information

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lessons; seminars


Class attendance is not mandatory, but it is recommended

Type of evaluation

Final oral exam. For attending students, the examination will concern also case studies selected by the teacher from those analyzed during the course