20710207 - Laboratory of environmental and territory analysis

The course is devoted to the profiling of a new field of research - through the contribution of political philosophy, aesthetics, history of economics, environmental justice, social geography, urban studies, etc.- to the acquisition of analytical and interpretative conceptual tools in relation to the general dimensions of “environment” and “territory”.
International students can ask for a final exam in their native language or in English.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Urban knowledges
The course will investigate the relation between the urban spaces and the different forms of belonging and participation, that is citizenship. In order to update the couple city-citizenship, the course will provide the principal and transdisciplinary tools - in philosophy, legal studies, sociology, geography, politics - in a comparative approach.

Dal 28 febbraio al 17 aprile, ogni venerdì dalle 14 alle 17.

Venerdì 28 febbraio
Dario Gentili (Docente di filosofia morale, Roma Tre), Federica Giardini (Docente di filosofia politica, Roma Tre) – Ripensare la selva con le Environmental Humanities – filosofia, etica, politica

Venerdì 6 marzo – Tiziana Villani (Docente di filosofia, Università Paris 8; docente di «Fenomenologia dell’arte contemporanea», Accademia NABA di Milano) – La selva e il deserto

Venerdì 13 marzo – Sara Marini (Docente di architettura, IUAV, Venezia) – Sulla selva

Venerdì 20 marzo Daniela Angelucci (Docente di estetica, Roma Tre) – Selva, sublime e perturbante

Venerdì 27 marzo pomeriggio a cura di Ilaria Bussoni (casa editrice DeriveApprodi)

Venerdì 3 aprile Stefano Oliva (Docente di estetica, Quasar Design University) – Selve sonore

Venerdì 17 aprile – Carlo Hintermann ¬(Regista e produttore cinematografico) - La selva nel cinema

Core Documentation

As a preliminary suggestion, see:

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and debate


Participation to the debates is recommended. International students can ask for writing the paper in their native language or in English.

Type of evaluation

A multimedial (written, video...) final essay is asked. International students can ask for writing the paper in their native language or in English.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The seminar addresses issues related to the territory and the city. The story of cardinal concepts such as cities, communities, habitats, nature, territory, landscapes, and projects will be presented, discussed and updated, from different perspectives: philosophy, art, political theory, sociology, history, geography, architecture, law, economics, political ecology, communication.

Core Documentation

Different readings will be suggested; Eventually students have to write a short paper or make a short speech.

Type of evaluation

Eventually students have to write a short paper or make a short speech. In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19, all the provisions governing the way in which teaching activities and student evaluation are carried out will be implemented. In particular, the following modalities will be applied: distance learning.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The seminar addresses issues related to the territory and the city. The story of cardinal concepts such as cities, communities, habitats, nature, territory, landscapes, and projects will be presented, discussed and updated, from different perspectives: philosophy, art, political theory, sociology, history, geography, architecture, law, economics, political ecology, communication.

Core Documentation

Different texts will be suggested; Eventually students have to write a short paper or make a short speech.

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and debates. In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19, all the provisions governing the way in which teaching activities and student evaluation will be carried out will be implemented.

Type of evaluation

In order to obtain credits (6 ungraded CFU) students will have to guarantee the attendance and elaborate a short text on one of the proposed topics, which will be presented and discussed in the classroom. In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19, all the provisions governing the way in which teaching activities and student evaluation will be carried out will be implemented.