This course provides students with an overview on the history of photography, its social functions and its role within the wider history of the technically reproduced image. The course discusses its relations with painting and visual arts and connections with the visual devices of contemporaneity: cinema, TV, video, internet, including digital photography.


teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20703403 STORIA E CRITICA DELLA FOTOGRAFIA in DAMS (Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo) L-3 GAZZANO MARCO MARIA


Theoric contextualisation of photographic experience in the chronologies and histories of art, in relation to Cinema, Television, Sound and Arts histories: focus on the Italian case.

Core Documentation

-Italo Zannier "L'occhio della fotografia. Protagonisti, tecniche e stili", Carocci, Roma 2019 (new edition)

- Tre saggi a scelta scaricabili dal web compresi nel volume:
E. Menduni, L. Marmo (a cura di), Fotografia e culture visuali del XXI secolo, RomaTrE-Press 2018

Replace Zannier's volume with one book chosen by the followings:
- Claudio Marra, Fotografia e arti visive, Carocci, Roma 2014;
- Claudio Marra, Che cos'è la fotografia, Carocci, Roma 2017.

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lessons; viewing and commenting on audiovisual operas(films, Video Art, documentaries, TV programs); chronological and etymological analysis of Photography and Cinema histories, Arts and Media; partecipation in conferences, festivals and specialized events indicated by the Teacher during the course.

Type of evaluation

The exam takes place through an ongoing written test for attending students in presence, or through a 3-hour written test, organized in open-ended questions taken from the texts indicated for the exam, proposed by the Commission but chosen by each individual student, aimed at verifying the level of effective comprehension of the concepts. Particular attention is paid to the student's ability to understand, interpret and critically analyze the proposed texts (for non-attending students) For the online modality, the exam takes place through a written report on the adopted texts and on the video lessons indicated in Moodle, to be delivered printed to DAMS reception, at least one week before the chosen appeal.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Theoric contextualisation of photographic experience in the chronologies and histories of art, in relation to Cinema, Television, Sound and Arts histories: focus on the Italian case.

Core Documentation

-Italo Zannier "L'occhio della fotografia. Protagonisti, tecniche e stili", Carocci, Roma 2019 (new edition)

- Tre saggi a scelta scaricabili dal web compresi nel volume:
E. Menduni, L. Marmo (a cura di), Fotografia e culture visuali del XXI secolo, RomaTrE-Press 2018

Replace Zannier's volume with one book chosen by the followings:
- Claudio Marra, Fotografia e arti visive, Carocci, Roma 2014;
- Claudio Marra, Che cos'è la fotografia, Carocci, Roma 2017.

Reference Bibliography

- W. Benjamin, Breve storia della fotografia, Passigli Firenze 2014; - E. Ugenti, Immagini nella Rete, Mimesis Milano-Udine 2016; - M.Costa, L'uomo fuori di sé, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2018. FILMOGRAPHY: Video and Photo Art works from the '50s to the present, otherwise not available.

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lessons; viewing and commenting on audiovisual operas(films, Video Art, documentaries, TV programs); chronological and etymological analysis of Photography and Cinema histories, Arts and Media; partecipation in conferences, festivals and specialized events indicated by the Teacher during the course.

Type of evaluation

The exam takes place through an ongoing written test for attending students in presence, or through a 3-hour written test, organized in open-ended questions taken from the texts indicated for the exam, proposed by the Commission but chosen by each individual student, aimed at verifying the level of effective comprehension of the concepts. Particular attention is paid to the student's ability to understand, interpret and critically analyze the proposed texts (for non-attending students) For the online modality, the exam takes place through a written report on the adopted texts and on the video lessons indicated in Moodle, to be delivered printed to DAMS reception, at least one week before the chosen appeal.