The main objectives of the course are the acquisition of fundamental knowledge of Roman private law in connection with modern and contemporary legal systems and the introduction to legal reasoning through the history of law_
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course analyzes the historical evolution of Roman Private Law from the origins to the Justinian age. The Roman private law’s topics are: 1) Legal theory and history of law; 2) General traits of the different ages of Roman law; 3) Tradition of Roman law; 4) Political organization of Rome; 5) Sources of Roman law; 6) The Roman jurists and their methods; 7) Civil procedure; 8) Law of persons and family; 9) Law of property and possession; 10) Law of obligations. The following chapters will be not requested: Cap. VIII.5, nn. 9-9.1-9.2-9.3; 10 (471-486); Cap. IX; Cap. X.

Core Documentation

MANNINO V., Introduzione alla storia del diritto privato dei Romani (3a ed.), Torino, Giappichelli, 2018.

Reference Bibliography

TALAMANCA M., Istituzioni di diritto romano, Giuffré, Milano, 1990; PUGLIESE G., Istituzioni di diritto romano (3a ed.), Giappichelli, Torino, 1991; CANNATA C.A, Corso di Istituzioni di diritto romano, I, Giappichelli, Torino, 2001; CANNATA C.A. Corso di istituzioni di diritto romano, II,1, Giappichelli, Torino, 2003; FASCIONE L., Storia del diritto privato romano (3a ed.), Giappichelli, Torino, 2012.

Type of delivery of the course

The teaching is held in frontal teaching with the possible use of supplementary materials downloadable from the e-learning platform. The lessons follow a diachronic perspective, through the reasoned proposal of a periodization that allows to acquire the knowledge of the most significant moments and phases (ancient period; pre-classic and classical; the late Empire; Justinian age).

Type of evaluation

The course concludes with an oral exam: in order to verify the level of achievement of the indicated educational objectives, the student is asked to answer three questions on different topics that are the subject of the course.