The course aims at the following learning objectives:
a) being familiar with the main authors and theories which have influenced contemporary legal culture; b) to acquire competences in relation to the main concepts of legal theory; c) to develop a critical approach to legal knowledge and culture.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The lessons will focus on the main currents of the philosophy of law. The didactic objectives are: a) to provide students with the theoretical tools necessary for the analysis of the legal system; b) to allow them to orient themselves in the panorama of philosophical reflection on the rule of law..
In particular, the course will focus on the different declinations of the concept of security and safety in the contemporary doctrines of law. In particular, the relations between freedom and security, as well as between dignity and security within the framework of criminal law. It will be analyzed the opposition between garantism and securitarianism .

Core Documentation

.Celano, Lezioni di filosofia del diritto, Giappichelli, 2019
-M. Barberis, Non c’è sicurezza senza libertà, Il Mulino, 2017
-L. Ferrajoli, Il paradigma garantista, Editoriale Scientifica, 2016

Type of delivery of the course

The course provides for the active participation of the students

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of an oral exam for non-attendants. For those attending, there will be an evaluation that will take into account the level and intensity of participation. In the last part of the course students will be asked to write a thesis which they will also have to present orally.