20101484 - The Culture of Proof and the Criminal Trial

The training activity "The culture of evidence" aims to offer students the opportunity to reflect on the relation that links the discipline of evidence in the criminal trial with the issues of prevention and correction of judicial error.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The seminar activity will cover the following topics:
Evaluation of the fumus commissi delicti and unjust precautionary detention;
Prevention of error and preliminary investigations;
Online searches,
Computer catcher;
Rules of exclusion of the test as a prophylaxis to judicial error;
Criminal trial and civil trial;
Scientific evidence and criminal trial;
The evaluation of the scientific evidence by the Court of Assise.

Core Documentation

The final exam will be prepared with the notes, materials and indications provided during the lessons.

Type of delivery of the course

The training activity "La cultura della prova" foresees the development of frontal lessons during which students are offered the opportunity to reflect on the connection that links the discipline of evidence (with particular reference to scientific evidence) with the topics of prevention and correction of the judicial error.

Type of evaluation

The activity ends with an oral exam. In order to verify the level of learning achieved, the student will have to answer some questions formulated on the topics that are the subject of the activity, with reference to the recommended texts and notes of the lessons.