20110051 - Diritto processuale del lavoro

The class aims to give a specific knowledge of special proceedings concerning workers'rights and special proceedings concercing social security. Practices and research tools are an important part of the course.
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The class aims to give a specific knowledge of special proceedings concerning workers'rights and special proceedings concercing social security. Practices and research tools are an important part of the course.
The introduction of the course concerns the evolution of labour proceedings and the distribution of jurisdiction between public and private employement.
The first and wider part concerns forms of proceedings and appeals, with specific regard to public and private welfare controversies and other models of labour proceedings adopted in different litigation areas; the second part examines judicial and not-judicial ADR; the third part concerns main topics of filing dismissals complaint, with specific reference to different levels of judicial protection ensured by the law (l. 604/1966, Statuto del Lavoratori, Jobs Act) and models of preliminary injunction, as well as procedural rules of the Legge n. 300/1970 (Statuto dei Lavoratori - Workers Act); the fourth and last part concerns enforcement proceedings involving rights of employers and employees.
Class will start on March, 16th 2020, and will take place every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m, room 248, 2nd floor, via Ostiense 161 building.
Class will end by the last weeks of May 2020.
Oral exams will be scheduled together with Civil Procedure I and II.

Core Documentation

AA.VV., Processo del lavoro, a cura di Curzio, Di Paola, Romei, Giuffrè, Milano, 2017.

Cases and materials will be shared on facebook or e-learning web site.

Alternatively, class attendance students can use any manual of civil procedure, with specific reference to program topics.

Type of delivery of the course

Class will be held in videoconference, in the first six weeks; the second part of the course will be held traditionally.

Type of evaluation

The final exam consist in an oral test, with mandatory reservation. The oral test consists in three questions on different subjects. In case of missing an answer, the student receives an additional question. The professor reserves any evaluation on the importance of the subject and on the importance of missing any answer.