20110098 - Law and gender(Diritto e genere)

Law and gender
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course "Law and Gender", in English language, aims to investigate the relevance of the gender concept in the legal debate, focusing on the philosophy and criminal law.

Making trouble: a difficult definition of gender
Histories and theories of feminism
The gender of modernity
Making rights from below: the CEDAW
Criminal Law and Gender: general framework
Gender violence: the crime of stalking 
Gender, anti-discrimination law and human rights
Culturally motivated crimes
Gender, migrations and human rights
Gender and social reproduction Theory 
Sexual orientation and politics 
Gender violence: the crime of sexual violence
Pornography and law 

Core Documentation

Learning material is indicated during the lessons and it is available for download on line at www.giur.uniroma3.it, in the personal page of Professor Antonella Massaro (Didattica - Link utili).

Type of delivery of the course

Law and Gender class is open to all students (A-Z) and is held in the second semester (March - May). The course consists of teachers’ lectures, conventions with external experts and specialist seminars. In particular, during seminars, students have to take an active part and discuss cases.


Attendance is mandatory.

Type of evaluation

The exam is oral and students have to demonstrate knowledge of the main legal topics of gender and learning of legal English, with an approach based on case studies. Evaluation is expressed in thirtieths and the exam is passed with marks from 18/30. There are three exam dates during the winter session (January - February) and three dates during the summer session (June - July), while, during the autumn session (September), there are only two exam dates. Extraordinary session takes place on one day in November. Class attendance is needed for the exam. Students who pass the exam get the 4 compulsory “legal English CFU”.