20110150 - Attività: Criminal Law in Mutation

The class aims to address major legislative changes that have recently involved the subject of criminal law, proving how new needs for protection have influenced the traditional interpretation and application of the classical penal categories.
Furthermore, there will be a detailed focus about the last jurisprudential guidelines regarding the psychological element of the offense and the relationship between EU law and national law relating to the succession of criminal laws across time and to the asset protection measures.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Modern criminal law is increasingly subjected to a real process of "transformation", both due to the emergence of new protection requirements particularly felt by the community, and to the influences exercised by European law. The course aims to focus on of "actual face" of our penal system, especially from the point of view of the c.d. law in action.

Core Documentation

Diritto penale. Casi e materiali. Mezzetti, 2018

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal teaching. Frequency obligatory.

Type of evaluation

The student must demonstrate awareness of the topics discussed during the lessons, also through a deepening of the sentences.