20110259 - Attività: Reading the Classics: Norberto Bobbio, Il futuro della democrazia (1984)

To stimulate students’ critical reflection on democracy and the rule of law through the reading of Norberto Bobbio.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Through careful analysis and group study of the indicated texts, the students will be introduced to the main elements of Bobbio’s democratic theory, in particular with regard to: (i) the rule of law (as opposed to the rule of men); (ii) the formal definition of democracy and (iii) the value of publicity for a democratic regime.

Core Documentation

Bobbio, Il futuro della democrazia (1984)

i. Governo degli uomini o governo delle leggi?
ii. La democrazia e il potere invisibile
iii. Il futuro della democrazia

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lessons

Type of evaluation

Written exam. To pass the exam, two of the three proposed questions must be answered. Each answer will be assessed with a score between 0 and 5. To obtain 3 ECTS the student must obtain a score of sufficiency (6/10). The exam lasts 90 minutes.