20110265 - Attività: Laboratorio sulla repressione dei crimini di guerra in Italia: profili processualpenalistici ed internazionali.

This projects aims to contribute to the systematization and analysis of criminal files related to the prosecution of war crimes committed in Italy during World War II.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The training activity is divided into two parts: one theoretical and one practical.
The theoretical part is aimed at a general framework of the repression of war crimes in Italy, and will be structured in three meetings, held during the lessons of Criminal Procedure Law, respectively by Prof. Luca Lupária, Prof. Giulio Bartolini and the Attorney General Military Marco De Paolis.
During the first meeting, the documentary 'Lo Stato di eccezione' will also be screened in the classroom.
The laboratory is instead aimed at the study of case files, as well as their rationalization within the project of digitization of files relating to war crimes committed in Italy during the Second World War, promoted by the Military Attorney General at the Military Court of Appeal of Rome.

Core Documentation

For a more in-depth study of the subject, we recommend reading the volume ''La difficile giustizia. I processi per reati di guerra tedeschi in Italia (1943-2013)'', M. DE PAOLIS and P. PEZZINO, Viella Libreria Editrice, 2016.

Type of delivery of the course

The afternoon meetings at the Military Court of Appeal of Rome, located in Via degli Acquasparta 2, will be held, from November 7, 2019, every Thursday from 15:30 to 18:30.

Type of evaluation

For a correct carrying out of the training activity, a constant participation of the student is sufficient: in fact, no final evaluation test is foreseen.