20110276 - Attività: Constitutional bodies on the web

Analysis and understanding of the juridical implications of the constitutional bodies’ presence on the web
teacher profile | teaching materials


The aim of the course is to analyze the activity of the constitutional bodies from an unusual perspective, that of the world wide web. During the lessons, the use of official websites and social networks by constitutional bodies will be studied, assessing the legal implications of these phenomena and the overall impact on the form of government.

Core Documentation

For a further study of the topics discussed during the lessons, is recommended D.CHINNI (edited by), Potere e opinione pubblica. Gli organi costituzionali dinanzi alle sfide del web, Napoli 2019.

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lectures, during which the websites and social networks of the constitutional bodies will be examined together with the students.


The presence of at least 4/5 of the lessons is required.

Type of evaluation

Students will be required to argue on the juridical implications of the constitutional bodies' presence on the web, also moving from the analysis of institutional websites pages or posts on social networks.