20110278 - Attività: protection and enhancement of religious cultural heritage (cod. Urbani and cod. of the third sector).

The Italian cultural heritage is largely owned by Catholic religious entities or of religious interest. The protection and the valorization of this patrimony, material and immaterial, are regulated by unilateral rules (Cod. Cultural Heritage, Cod. Third Sector etc.) and by covenant rules (Concordat 1984; Agreements under Articles 8. 3 Cost.; Sub-contractual/contractual arrangements). The regulation involves responsibilities of the State, Regions and other local authorities. In this framework, the course aims to provide the legal basis for the protection and enhancement of the cultural heritage belonging to religious bodies, in particular Catholic .
teacher profile | teaching materials


The Course will develop in 10 frontal lessons on March-April 2020, on the following topics:
Definition of the religious cultural heritage in particular Catholic ( property of the SCV; property of the ecclesiastical institutions; the Foundation of Buildings of Worship etc.);
The regulation of the cultural heritage of religious interest in the Code of Cultural Heritage, D.lgs 42/2004;
The regulation of the cultural heritage of religious interest in the sources of first and second level pacts. Protection and enhancement of religious cultural heritage in the Code of the Third Sector (Legislative Decree 117/2017).

Core Documentation

The reference texts for the study, and bibliographical indications for further study, will be provided for lessons and on the portal e-learning

Type of delivery of the course

On 17 october 2019 h. 10:00 hall 3 The course is open to all interested students The course takes place in 10 two-hour lectures CORONAVIRUS EMERGENCY: THE BEGINNING OF THE LESSONS IS REMAINED ON THURSDAY 16 APRIL 10:00– 12:00 classroom 8. The students concerned must register for mail (rita.benigni@uniroma3.it) with their mail of RomaTre.

Type of evaluation

Final written report on the topics covered, with oral discussion in one of the 2019-2020 exams. Students can choose to present their relationship during a final lesson. The Report and the discussion are aimed at verifying knowledge of the subjects dealt with; the autonomy of judgment in evaluating the institutions and the cases examined; the ability to express oneself in a language which is also legally appropriate.