The course aims to provide a historical and legal culture of administrative law through the direct analysis of medieval and modern legal sources and to develop the necessary skills in students to study in more depth topics of their choice, previously agreed with their professor
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21801993 STORIA DEGLI ORDINAMENTI AMMINISTRATIVI E GIUDIZIARI in Scienze delle pubbliche amministrazioni LM-63 N0 DI PAOLO SILVIA


The course proposes to investigate the historical dimension of administrative law from the Late Middle Ages, when the jurists put forward the first conceptualisations of forms of ecclesiastical and secular administratio. Through the analysis of historical sources, students follow an historical and legal path through which the administratio progressively separates itself from the medieval iurisdictio and the administrative power obtains legal and scientific autonomy from judicial power, up to the birth of administrative law in the modern Ages.

Core Documentation

The programme for students attending the course is based in part on the textbook and in part on readings suggested in class by the Professor.

Students not attending the course will take the final exam in oral form on the whole textbook.

The textbook recommended to all students (whether attending or not) is the following: L. Mannori – B. Sordi, Storia del diritto amministrativo, Laterza.

Type of delivery of the course

Students attending the course will be required to take part in debates weekly and take written tests on topics studied in class. The programme is based in part on the textbook and in part on readings suggested in class by the Professor. Students not attending the course will take the final exam in oral form on the whole textbook and in telematic mode.


Attendance is not mandatory but suggested in order to improve the study method

Type of evaluation

Students attending the course will be required to take part in debates weekly and take written tests on topics studied in class. The programme is based in part on the textbook and in part on readings suggested in class by the Professor. Students not attending the course will take the final exam in oral form on the whole textbook. During the COVID 19 emergency profit exams will take place in telematic mode on Microsoft Teams Platform (ex art.1 del Decreto Rettorale n°. 703 del 5 maggio 2020).