The aim of the course is the understanding of the basics and possible application scenarios of modern cryptography. By exploiting theoretical as well as practical tools, the student will be able to deal with the modern techniques for protecting data and communication confidentiality. Topics include encryption, pseudo-random generation, digital signatures, and hash functions. At the end of the course, the students will be able to select and apply the most appropriate crypto-system or cryptographic protocol for protecting data during transmission and/or storage.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Kerberos e Diameter
Sicurezza IP
Web security
Intrusion detection
Honey pot
Android security
Cloud security
Big data security
Digital watermarking

Core Documentation

Stallings’ Cryptography and Network Security, Seventh Edition

Reference Bibliography

Stallings’ Cryptography and Network Security, Seventh Edition

Type of evaluation

“nel periodo di emergenza COVID-19 l’esame di profitto sarà svolto secondo quanto previsto all’art.1 del Decreto Rettorale n°. 703 del 5 maggio 2020”