20710226 - Lingua e traduzione lingua tedesca II

One of the main aims of this Course of Study is the acquisition of competences in two foreign languages, which is based on the development of the four active and passive written-oral skills, to analyse the study of intercultural and transcultural phenomena through the tools and methodologies of linguistic and philological analysis, as well as the theory and practice of translation.
German Language and Translation II is amongst the distinguishing activities of the "Language and translation" area. The aim of the module is to provide students with level B1 language skills and strategies (based on the CEFR). It also aims to develop their ability to ponder on both the cultural context and the language structures (phonetic and morphological), in the general lines of linguistic history.
Students will be able to put into practice the acquired linguistic and communicative skills (active, passive and mixed); rewrite and readjust the text from a transmedia point of view; they will also possess increased communicative skills and intercultural competences.
Pre-requisite: German Language and Translation I
teacher profile | teaching materials


Outlines of linguistic history of German-speaking countries
(6 ECTS)

The course outlines the polycentric history of the German language from its origins to the present day, contextualizing it in the main cultural transformations in the broadest sense and focusing both on the fundamental importance of literature in shaping a unified German in the 18th century, and on political-social phenomena such as Nazism or the disappearance of the GDR in reunification.

An in-depth module will follow in the second semester (6 ECTS)

Core Documentation

For the Outlines of linguistic history of German-speaking countries (prof. Sampaolo)
- Marina Foschi Albert / Marianne Hepp, Manuale di storia della lingua tedesca, Liguori (in commercio anche come pdf)
- Sandra Bosco Coletsos, Storia della lingua tedesca, Rosenberg & Sellier

- Donatella Mazza: La linguistica tedesca. Storia e testi. Carocci (only the introductions to each text)

Type of delivery of the course

The classes of the German native-speaker teachers form an integral part of the course and begin at the start of the academic year.

Type of evaluation

Oral test with Prof. Sampaolo and Dr. Basili

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course aims at providing tools for the analysis of the different types of sentences in German. Starting from the analysis of the various constituents (nominal, verbal, adjectival, prepositional, adverbial phrase), particular importance will be given to the notion of the Satzfeld as a tool for understanding the syntactic strategies in the construction of the sentence and their different semantic profiles. Lectures will take place in constant comparison with small texts that students will be asked to analyze. The program is identical for attending and non-attending students; however, attendance is strongly recommended in order to learn the methods and tools to explain the syntactic position of the elements which constitute main and secondary sentences (explicit and implicit) in German.

Core Documentation

- Hardarik Blühdorn Marina Foschi Albert, Leggere e comprendere il tedesco. Manuale per studenti e docenti in formazione, Pisa University Press, Pisa 2014 (per intero).

Giuliana Scotto, “La rechte Satzklammer dell’Hauptsatz tedesco e la posizione gerarchica fra i sintagmi in base al legame intercorrente col verbo. Uno strumento didattico per i discenti di madrelingua italiana”, in G. Scotto, Saggi di estetica, di diritto,di linguistica, Grin, München 2015, pp. 171-212.

Additional materials will be provided during the lectures.

Type of delivery of the course

lectures. Different syntactic aspects of the German sentence (main sentence, explicit secondary and implicit secondary) will be explained and students will be asked to interact through the analysis of short texts and the concrete application of the ruled explained and learned.

Type of evaluation

oral examination. Students will be asked to analyze small texts on the basis of the acquired syntax notions.