20710229 - Letteratura spagnola II

One of the main aims of this Course of Study is to provide students with advanced knowledge of two foreign literatures related to the two languages of their choice, paying special attention to intercultural and transcultural dynamics. The course also aims at refining their ability to interpret cultural phenomena, using the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis.
Spanish Literature II is among the characterizing activities of the "Foreign Literatures" area. It allows students to deepen their knowledge of Spanish Literature in the period between the 16th and 21st centuries, with special attention to intercultural dynamics and the theoretical-methodological debate; it helps students master the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis.
At the end of the module, students will reach a good critical ability in the interpretation of exemplary texts in the original language, as well as the necessary competence for oral rewording, translation, rewriting and adaptation in Italian of the texts themselves. They will also be able to re-elaborate and communicate disciplinary knowledge in a specialized and non-specialized intercultural context.
Pre-requisite: Spanish Literature I; Spanish Language and Translation I
teacher profile | teaching materials


Origins, developments and crisis of Spanish drama.

A) Historical-literary and cultural competences
Birth and development of the Spanish gold theater
The corral and the show
Developments in Spanish literary history between the eighteenth and thirties of the twentieth century
Developments in Spanish theater between Neoclassicism and the early twentieth century

B) Thematic skills
Eros and honor in the play
Eros and honor in a tragic way
Eros and honor in a grotesque key
Roles of women in society and female roles in theater
Intergenerational tensions
The dialectic between closed places and open places and the dynamics of reclusion-evasion
Figurations of violence in classical and contemporary theater

C) Methodological skills
The versification in the Spanish gold theater: ways and functions of polymetry
Dramaturgical aspects of the Spanish golden theater
Performative aspects of the Spanish gold theater
Dramaturgical analysis of the contemporary theatrical text

Core Documentation

Literaruìy Works (all editions are mandatory)
Lope de Vega, Il cane dell’ortolano/El perro del hortelano, a cura di F. Antonucci e S. Arata, Napoli, Liguori (e-book)
Lope de Vega, Fuente Ovejuna, a cura di M. G. Profeti, in Il teatro dei secoli d’oro, vol. I, Milano Bompiani
Pedro Calderón de la Barca, La dama duende, a cura di F. Antonucci, in Il teatro dei secoli d’oro, vol. II, Milano, Bompiani
Pedro Calderón de la Barca, El alcalde de Zalamea, a cura di G. Caravaggi, in Il teatro dei secoli d’oro, vol. II, Milano, Bompiani
Leandro Fernández de Moratín, El sí de las niñas, in Moratín, El sí de las niñas / La comedia nueva, a cura di R. Andioc, Madrid, Austral (also as a e-book)
Federico García Lorca, La casa de Bernarda Alba, a cura di M. Fca. Vilches de Frutos, Madrid, Cátedra
Ramón del Valle-Inclán, Los cuernos de don Friolera, in Valle-Inclán, Martes de Carnaval, a cura di Jesús Rubio Jiménez, Madrid, Austral

Reference Bibliography

Critical, methodological and literary history support Ignacio Arellano, Historia del teatro español del siglo XVII, Madrid, Cátedra (parti indicate dal docente) L. Rodríguez Cacho, Manual de historia de la literatura española, vol. II, Siglos XVIII al XX, Madrid, Castalia (XVIIIth and XIXth centuries); F. Antonucci, Il Novecento letterario spagnolo: percorsi, Pisa, ETS (some parts); José Luis García-Barrientos, Cómo se comenta una obra de teatro, Madrid, Síntesis (chapters 2 to 7) The introductions to the mandatory editions and any other critical materials that will be indicated by the teacher on the website.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will take place through a total of 30 frontal lessons of two hours each, to which will be added the programmed assisted activities (for a 12-hour load plus the student's self-employment) and made known through the teacher's web page and during the course same, in the manner specifically indicated in the same locations. Students who, although attending, will be unable to take part in the assisted activities will fill the gap with personalized activities equivalent to the teaching load of the students who have taken part in it).

Type of evaluation

The acquisition of the "historical-literary and cultural competences" will be verified through a compulsory written test that will take place before the end of the course and will give access to the oral exam. The acquisition of the "Thematic Skills" and the "Methodological Skills" will be evaluated through analysis and commentary on the works scheduled during the course and through assessment exercises and ongoing self-assessment. The skills not verified in the classroom will be evaluated during the oral exam, which will be held on the dates of the exam sessions.