20710461 - North American Literatures and Visual Cultures

Graduates in Languages and Literatures for Teaching and Translation obtain advanced knowledge and understanding in all the subject areas of their training in order to
1) consolidate and develop their competence in European and American Studies, with particular attention to their literature of specialisation;
2) deepen their knowledge of the two foreign languages chosen, achieving a heightened competence in the language of specialization and an advancement in the second language;
3) reach enhanced awareness of the linguistic features of their language of specialisation, both from a diachronic and a synchronic perspective;
4) reach an adequate knowledge of the most advanced methodologies for the analysis of literary texts;
5) handle confidently the theoretical-practical tools for teaching and for translation.

North American literatures and visual cultures is one of the characterising modules of the programme. It allows students to acquire linguistic and communicative skills as well as the competence to analyse poetic, narrative, and theatrical texts taking into account the linguistic and cultural complexity of North America. Special attention is devoted to the study of the relationships between literature and the visual arts, such as cinema, photography, the graphic novel, and painting.
At the end of the module students will be able to: enhance their critical awareness; make independent use of the most advanced theoretical methods for analysing literary texts and phenomena; communicate at an advanced level the disciplinary content.
Prerequisites: students enrolled in other degree programmes are allowed to select this module if they have gained at least 12 CFU in Anglo-American language and literatures for their bachelor’s degree and can certify the attainment of the B2 level in the English language.

Note: for LM37 students enrolled in the international curriculum “English and Anglo-American Studies” (English-English Literature), this module can be chosen as an associated subject (“materia affine”) to the literature of specialisation.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The student will be involved in thinking about the relationships between poetry, theater, the visual arts, the verbal language, and the graphic forms of art as they interrelate with politics in the context of the first and second part of the 20th century and beyond, into the next Millennium. Single poets, who had as a model and inspirer pre-Romantic William Blake, such as William Carlos Williams, Kenneth Patchen, and Lawrence Ferlinghetti, international artists such as Blaise Cendrars, Marcel Duchamp, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and Jean-Louis Basquiat, American painters like Andy Warhol and Keith Haring, experimental figures of performance, such as Julian Beck and Judith Malina of the Living Theater, female film director Shirley Clarke. and the avangardists involved in 'OH! Calcutta' exploding off-Broadway in 1968, as well as unique Mickey Mouse fan Ronnie Cutrone -- all of them tended to promote the marriage between verbal matter and the iconographic dimension. Beside supplying the presentation of the work, both textual, aural, and visual, for the students to absorb as an updated collection of contemporary culture, where genres and styles mix and match to give birth to innovative forms, the students will be led to acquire a critical-theoretical framework within which to handle such subversive and anticommercial creations independently, and be encouraged to develop new and attractive methods of teaching literature to schoolchildren.

Core Documentation

Module 1-6 CFU The exam will be in English

*Lawrence Ferlinghetti, "Away above a Harborful" In 'Pictures of the Gone World' San Francisco, Pocket Poets Series, City Lights Publications, 1955.
*Kenneth Patchen, “Picture Poems', https://www.pinterest.it/pin/38773246761932816/?autologin=true
*Nathaniel Hawthorne, “Young Goodman Brown”
*Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire, directed by Elia Kazan, versione integrale del film (Biblioteca DAMS) Per il play, qualsiasi edizione.
Kenneth Tynan et al. Oh! Calcutta! (cfr. www) Per lo script (online), vedi link: https://archive.org/details/ohcalcuttaentert00tyna -- OPTIONAL
*Video: "Portrait of Jason", directed by Shirley Clarke (Videoteca del Dipartimento).
Video: The Watermelon Woman by Cheryl Dunye (online) -- OPTIONAL
*Video: Stranger Inside, directed by Cheryl Dunye (Amazon.it, online orders)

Modulo 7-12 CFU
E. O'Neill, "Desire under the Elms", "A Long Day's Journey into Night"
T. Williams, "A Streetcar Named Desire"
A. Miller, "Death of a Salesman"
The students can choose texts from the different editions. Biblioteca Petrocchi keeps most of them, retrievable through "discovery".

Reference Bibliography

Modulo 1-6 CFU CRITICISM ON: VISUAL CULTURE *Film: Blow-up, directed by Michelangelo Antonioni (you tube, rentable) Saggio: “Visual culture” (handed out) ON POEMS, PLAYS, FILMS *M.A.S. "Ferlinghetti's First Picture of the Gone World", City Lights. Pocket Poets and Pocket Books, ed. by M.A.S., Roma-Palermo, Ila Palma, 2004, pp. 123-150, *Larry Smith, "Lawrence Ferlinghetti: Poet-At-Large", Southern California U.P., 1983 [limitatamente a Ferlinghetti come Poeta all'epoca dei Pocket Poets City Lights Publications] or Larry Smith, 'The San Francisco Revival in Poetry and City Lights Books', entrambi in City Lights. Pocket Poets and Pocket Books', ed. by M.A.S., ivi, pp. 31-71. *Larry Smith, “Kenneth Patchen”, in in City Lights. Pocket Poets and Pocket Books, ed. by M.A.S., ivi, pp. 46-56. NOTA: THE BOOK CITY LIGHTS. POCKET POETS AND POCKET BOOKS IS AVAILABLE FROM PROF. STEFANELLI (ONCE WE ARE ALLOWED OUT OF OUR HOUSES, OR BY APPOINTMENT) *M.A.S., Kenneth Patchen: Forme Spettacolari, Roma, Aracne, 2008 (Aracne, online orders) *--- “When in the Course of Human Events”, Letterature d’America, Anno XXIII, nn. 98-99 (2003), pp. 161-194. *--- “Paint with Light, or to Make the Invisible Visible. Tennessee Williams, Jo Mielziner, and A Streetcar Named Desire”, in Alessandro Clericuzio, One Hundred Years of Desire. Tennessee Williams 1911-2011, Perugia, Guerra Edizioni, 2012. * “Miti allo specchio: Blanche Dubois e La dame aux Camélias”, in Mirroring Myths, a cura di Vito Zagarrio, Roma Tre Press 2019 (online, Roma Tre Press, Roma Tre website), pp. 227-238 http://romatrepress.uniroma3.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Mirroring-Myths.-Miti-allo-specchio-tra-cinema-americano-ed-europeo-2.pdf Kenneth Tynan et al. "Oh! Calcutta! An entertainment with music" (1968) Tynan, Kenneth, 1927-1980: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming; Internet Archive. – OPTIONAL. *M.A.S., "In Search of Empowerment: Shirley Clarke's 'Portrait of Jason' and Cheryl Dunye's 'The Watermelon Woman'" In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, vol. 1, pp.55-61 (online) *M.A.S. “Stranger Inside” Director Cheryl Dunye. Students who did not attend the course can replace any of the above authors with: Kenneth Tynan et al. "Oh! Calcutta! An entertainment with music" (1968) Tynan, Kenneth, 1927-1980: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming; Internet Archive. Those students who would like to present a written paper can write to: stefanel@uniroma3.it Module 7-12 CFU Criticism Chris Bigsby, "A Critical Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Drama: Vols 1, 2 and 3" (re: the three authors whose texts are mentioned above)

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be structured into a series of teaching units including frontal lectures, the presentation of a case-study, the oral delivery of the different forms and themes, and the independent study of a work of the same style and quality as those dealt with in class, chosen freely by the student. A power point presentation will be shown to the class by each of the students. Grading will be based on interactive comments in class, the discussion of the works approached, and a written specimen of the analysis undertaken in class, or derived from independent work.


Attendance is ALWAYS encouraged. Those students who cannot attend classes because they need to work, must make an appontment to see the teacher at least twince before the final exam. ERASMUS students are not justified for undertaking a job.

Type of evaluation

The course will be structured according to a series of didactic units including the frontal lesson, a seminar for the presentation of a case study, the oral repetition of the different forms and themes and the autonomous study of a work of your choice among those to which you have made a brief reference of or chosen freely. The assessment will depend, both in the classroom and at the time of the examination, on the interactive comments in the classroom, the discussion of the works studied and a brief presentation of a sample of the subject under investigation in the classroom or in independent work. ERASMUS students are not justified for work reasons.