The Course “French Literature LM” falls within the domain of the Complementary learning activities of the Degree Course in Modern Languages for International Communication, specifically the activities aimed at familiarizing with the cultural and literary heritage of the foreign language being studied.

The course aims to provide in-depth knowledge of literature in its cultural and generic expressions (poetry, drama, novel etc. …) through the study of texts and the detailed analysis of some of their thematic. formal and intertextual aspects.
The course aims to develop the student’s skills of textual analysis as well as literary and textual criticism, such as may be applied fruitfully in a working context (publishing, teaching, cultural institutes etc.).
Expected Learning Outcomes: The student will acquire solid familiarity with the field of literary studies through the study of texts and the analysis of their formal and intertextual aspects.; s/he will develop techniques of analysis and a methodology of literary and textual research that may find application in working contexts such as e.g. publishing.
teacher profile | teaching materials


This course will provide an overview of the cultural and literary context of 17th - 18th century French literature highlighting some of the main features of the period. It will then focus on the reading and analysis of three texts: La Princesse de Clèves, Candide and Les Liasons dangereuses, with the aim of tracing the evolution of the novel with regard to narrative strategies, stylistic and genre changes.

Core Documentation

M. Bertini (a cura di), Beaubourg. Auteurs, textes, genres de la littérature française. Le XVII et XVIIIe siècle (the passages to be read and analysed will be said in class). J. Rousset, Forme et signification, Paris, Corti, 1962 (Chapters I-IV).
Texts: Three novels to be chosen among the following : Diderot, Jacques le fataliste o La Religieuse; Laclos, Les Liaisons dangeureuses; Madame de La Fayette, La Princesse de Clèves; Rousseau, La Nouvelle Héloïse (selection of 80 letters from all the 6 parts of the novel); Voltaire, Candide.

Type of delivery of the course

Language of exam: French. Students not attending the course will have the same syllabus as the ones attending regularly.


An e-learning platform with text analysis and articles for didactic support is available for students. The materials can be accessed on demand following the instructions provided on the professor’s web page.

Type of evaluation

Online oral exams; video conference on Microsoft Teams.