20710176 - history of television and mass communications

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710176 Storia della televisione e delle comunicazioni di massa in Storia e società LM-84 CAMPUS LEONARDO


The course will cover the history of Television and Radio from its beginnings to the present, aiming to provide students with the essential reference elements for understanding Western society of the 20th and 21th century - a historical phase in which mass media (especially TV and radio) became central.
Media relations with politics, culture, industry and the impact they had on Italy will also be explored.
Alongside a theoretical and historical part, classroom teaching will also make use of video and audio extracts, in order to put the students in direct contact with the subject scrutinized.
Contents covered during classes may constitute part of the exam. Class attendance is therefore strongly recommended.

Core Documentation

-Irene Piazzoni, Storia delle televisioni in Italia. Dagli esordi alle web tv (Carocci, 2014)
-extracts from several volumes on radio history, put together by the professor (.pdf file provided during classes)

Complementary part:
One additional volume to be chosen among:
-Giovanni Gozzini, La mutazione individualista. Gli italiani e la televisione 1954-2011 (Laterza, 2011)
-Damiano Garofalo, Storia sociale della televisione in Italia (Marsilio, 2018)
-Leonardo Campus, Non solo canzonette. L'Italia della Ricostruzione e del miracolo attraverso il Festival di Sanremo (Le Monnier, 2015)

Type of delivery of the course




Type of evaluation

oral exams