Refinement of:
a) knowledge and understanding of the main features of the foreign language;
b) ability to communicate ideas, attitudes and intentions;
c) ability to apply acquired knowledge to texts used in selected professional contexts.
Analysis and translation of short texts from a variety of genres and specialised domains.
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Lingua e Traduzione Inglese 2 LM38 - Lopriore
Programma per frequentanti e non frequentanti
All: Nozioni di base(significato e relativi esempi : Translanguagism, Code mixing, Culture and language, Mediation, Linguistic heritage, Cultural heritage, Textual heritage, Language Policy, Language Planning, Inter-and transcultural communication, Discourse analysis, …)


1.European institutions: general knowledge about diverse organizations, about text typologies, about translation guidelines and supporting materials, about publications concerning policies, migration, new educational scenarios etc. Ctrl. PDFs & choose 3 texts for reference (Frequentanti) and 1 NON frequentanti.

1.1Attention!!! Translation component includes (for both frequentanti e non)the choice of 3 EU texts to be analysed and translated with comparison to EU translations;

2) Language Policies: knowledge about general notions, about implications for language programs, and for language learning & teaching as in J.Lo Bianco’s materials, main examples: CEFR and Reynolds’s document . Ctrl. PDFs & Choose 3 texts/publications for reference (Frequentanti) and 1 for non frequentanti.

3) Discourse analysis: knowledge of basic notions of D.A., C.D.A. and political D.A. See PDFs and publications. (to be completed)

4) Research in linguistics and applied linguistics & Tools: Basic understanding of research and of research in applied linguistics & linguistics, see PDFs,

4.1 Research tools CORPORA: basic understanding of corpora and examples of use of corpora for translation & research See PDFs & guidelinesand produce the completion of the tasks assigned (Frequentanti), while non frequentanti should carry out 2 tasks on corpora.

5) Specialized translation: Read the materials provided on MOODLE & Choose 3 texts (different typologies not longer than 350 words) to translate and analyze justifying your translation choices. Both frequentanti e non frequentanti.

PROGETTO DI RICERCA (Frequentanti): see guidelines on MOODLE and complete those already selected .

Non frequentanti it is not compulsory, but they may carry out a research project , agreed with the course lecturer.

Further information on Exams will be loaded on MOODLE during this week.

Type of evaluation

Oral interview, carried out through audio-video online conference via Microsoft TEAMS