To provide the student with the basic tools for the design, implementation and management of complex calculation systems for the processing of large amounts of data.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Computer architecture: logical and physical structure, CPU architecture and evolution, CISC RISC confrontation, RISC architecture in detail, buses, memories, hard disk structure, RAID systems. Operating Systems: general principles, processes and executable structure, executable in memory, paging, scheduling algorithms, input/output devices and drivers, interrupt management, file systems. Networking: network architectures, TCP/IP protocols and stack organization, headers, transport/network/data link layers,. Intensive computing systems, experiments and data acquisition systems, complex data processing systems and GRID. Laboratory: LINUX operation system, disk partitioning and system configuration, network configuration, shells and scripting languages.

Core Documentation

(Tanenbaum A.)Reti di Computer [Prentice Hall Int. ]
(Tanenbaum A.)Modern Operating Systems [Prentice Hall Int. ]
(Tanenbaum A.,Woodhull A.)Sistemi Operativi [Prentice Hall Int. ]
(Tanenbaum A.)Architettura dei Computer [Prentice Hall Int. ]
(Bovet D.,Cesati M. )Understanding the LINUX Kernel [O’Reilly ]

Type of delivery of the course

The Power Point presentation of the topics related to the course is done through a projector with insights on the blackboard. The copy of the presentation is distributed to the students. The illustrative material relating to the course topics will be brought to the classroom and visits to the Department and INFN computer centers and to the GRID Computing Center will be organized. The final part of the course includes 8 laboratory hours at the Department's Calculation Laboratory to illustrate the concepts learned in practice and to deepen the knowledge of the shell environment in LINUX systems. The course will be completed by a final summary of the topics covered, aimed at harmonizing the knowledge learned. The obligatory attendance to the course is due to the presence of laboratory hours and to numerous practical references to the topics covered.


The obligatory attendance to the course is due to the presence of laboratory hours and to numerous practical references to the topics covered.

Type of evaluation

final oral examination L’esame orale consiste nella trattazione di tre argomenti inerenti le principali tematiche del corso (l’architettura hardware dei calcolatori, i sistemi operativi e le reti di computer) ed il loro legame con i sistemi di calcolo avanzato presentati. The oral examination consists of the discussion of three topics relating to the main topics of the course (the hardware architecture of computers, operating systems and computer networks) and their link with the advanced computing systems presented.