To deepen the mathematical tools at the base of mechanics by providing applications also in other fields
teacher profile | teaching materials


Linear dynamic systems. Planar systems. Gradient systems. Stability theorems. Limit cycles.
Euler angles, Euler equations. Lagrange spinning top.

Core Documentation

G. Gentile, Introduzione ai sistemi dinamici. 1. Equazioni differenziali ordinarie, analisi qualitativa e alcune applicazioni, disponibile online
G. Gentile, Introduzione ai sistemi dinamici. 2. Meccanica lagrangiana e hamiltoniana, disponibile online

Reference Bibliography

V.I. Arnol’d, Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics. Springer, (1979). G. Dell’Antonio, Elementi di Meccanica. Liguori Editore, (1996). A. Fasano & S. Marmi, Meccanica analitica. Bollati Boringhieri, (1994). G. Gallavotti, Meccanica Elementare. Bollati-Boringhieri, (1980). L.D. Landau & E.M. Lifshitz, Mechanics. Butterworth-Heinemann, (1976).

Type of delivery of the course

The lectures will be at the blackboard. Theoretical lectures will be coupled with examples and discussion sessions, in which the students are encouraged to participate actively.


It is not required to attend the lectures.

Type of evaluation

The examination of the acquired knowledge will be performed orally, at the end of the lectures. In the oral exam the student may present one topic of her/his choice amongst the ones discussed during the lectures. There will be no intermediate examinations.