22910140 - History of comparative and intercultural education

The objectives of the course are aimed at the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge and skills capable of:
- to reconstruct and interpret the development of educational events (favouring institutions, representations and educational destinies as "places" of analysis) starting from the process of unification of the Italian state up to the present day, using the tools of the social historiography of education;
- retrace the history of comparative pedagogy by defining its epistemological and methodological structure and identifying both theoretical and empirical tools aimed at pedagogical-comparative analysis;
- to reflect on the scenario and on the socio-educational processes that characterize our contemporaneity in order to plan educational interventions also in the intercultural field.

With the study of the History of Comparative and Intercultural Education, the students will be able to achieve the following educational objectives.
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
-to know theories and operational skills of a methodological nature of European and international historical-educational and social research, both in a comparative and intercultural context;
to know models, tools and strategies of intervention aimed at fostering inclusive paths in socio-cultural and educational contexts, by virtue of the continuous and constant exercise of memory (as a pedagogical device) that defines the direction of meaning of educational action aimed at rereading and reconstructing the past, in order to understand the present and plan the future.

In terms of the ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
-use methodological tools to initiate pedagogical-comparative and intercultural analyses;
-analysing and interpreting national and international documents;
-Analyse written sources from a comparative perspective;
-Reflect on the formative processes and on the different educational practices in order to plan educational interventions also in the intercultural field.

In terms of autonomy of judgement:
- to develop the capacity to observe, detect and document the discontinuities, transformations and permanencies that, by virtue of the constant exercise of memory, allow us to restore to the historical time of education and pedagogy its characters of pluralism and problematic, its languages, its knowledge, its emotions, its identities;
- to develop the capacity to observe and document the historical and social conflict that goes through the processes investigated, highlighting the different forms of emancipation and conformation that permeate it.

In terms of communication skills:
-to contribute to the realization of educational projects in which personal reflection, discussion, exercises - both individual and group - can contribute to the understanding of the knowledge at stake and the use of scientific terminology acquired;
-to develop specific relational skills in the intercultural field;
-Reflecting on emotional skills.

In terms of learning ability:
-be able to direct the contents learned towards a method of observation, analysis and intervention in relation to the contexts in which it operates and to reflect critically on the dynamics that characterize them;
-be able to access the scientific literature of the sector, identifying reliable sources;
-be aware of the importance of continuous learning, which also comes from the comparison with other professionals and experts in the educational sector.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Learning purpose of the course:

- reconstructing and interpreting the development of educational events from the process of unification of the Italian state up to today, using the tools of education history;

- to trace the history of comparative pedagogy by defining the epistemological and methodological systems;

- to Identify the essential theoretical and empirical tools for pedagogical-comparative analysis;

- to develop the skills of observation and analysis carrying out comparative and intercultural research activities;

- to understand the scenario and the educational processes that are governing our historical moment in order to plan educational inter-cultural actions.

A part of the program is dedicated to early childhood and applications to educational settings for children.

Core Documentation

Text books for the exam:

- Campani G., I saperi dell’interculturalità. Storia, epistemologi e pratiche educative tra Stati Uniti, Canada ed Europa, Liguori, Napoli: 2002.
- Chiaranda M. (a cura di), Storia comparata dell’educazione. Problemi ed esperienze tra Otto e Novecento, Franco Angeli, Milano: 2010.
- Covato C., Memorie discordanti. Identità e differenze nella storia dell’educazione, Unicopli, Milano: 2007.
- Di Giacinto M., Lontano da dove. Generazioni e modelli educativi nelle famiglie italiane

For foreign students: books in French, English or Spanish will be indicated for foreign students who request it.

This program can be supported by the June 2020 exam session.

Reference Bibliography

Bray M., Adamson B., Mason M., Educazione comparata. Approcci e metodi di ricerca, Franco Angeli, Milano: 2015. Crossley M., Arthur L., McNess E. (Eds), Revisiting Insider-Outsider Research in Comparative and International Education, Symposium Books, Bristol: 2016. Phillips D., Schweisfurth M. (Eds.), Comparative and International Education: An Introduction to Theory, Method and Practice, Bloomsbury Publishing, London: 2014 /(Second Edition).

Type of delivery of the course

The course aims to supply tools of analysis and interpretation for works of research – individual or group practice, discussion and consideration – will contribute to develop the knowledge asked during the course. Through the reading of essays and publications we will inquire some key concepts; two or more movies will be watched in the belief that movies have the same function of texts: medium of significations and symbols.


Development of the course: - lectures in which the main topics of the course will be illustrated and analyzed; - commented readings of historical and legislative documents aimed at understanding and comparing educational events; - debates and exercises in the classroom aimed at promoting critical reading skills, the exhibition skills and abilities necessary for a personal and group study aimed at understanding the comparison in a historical and intercultural context. Participation in lessons and exercises is recommended.

Type of evaluation

Oral assessment test