22910230 - Policies and services for study and work

With the study of Policies and services for study and work the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives.
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline;
- understand the dialectical relationship that exists between policies and social services.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- to analyse the essential features of the labour market and the transformations of labour policies in the different national and European contexts;
- to analyse the organisation of services in the various territorial contexts of reference.
In terms of autonomy of judgement:
- evaluate social interventions and policies for study and work in the current historical moment;
- identify the resources present on the territory to manage with awareness the transformations in the organization of services.
In terms of communication skills:
- Interact in different contexts;
- planning in groups.
In terms of learning capacity:
- exercise willingness to engage in scientific research;
- be able to access the relevant scientific literature.

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teacher profile | teaching materials


The teaching of POLICIES AND SERVICES FOR STUDY AND WORK aims to decline, through the reconstruction of the main systemic actions (the policies) and the most significant experiences realized (the services), two of the main fundamental rights of our Constitution: the right to work and the right to study.

The first part of the course will go over the main stages of the history of the right to study focusing on the university: from the different models of governance up to the different examples of granting economic subsidies; and then a list of the main services provided by our legal system to substantiate and support the right to university study.

The second part of the course will focus on the policies and services put in place to relaunch the binomial of study and work. The program foresees, on the themes of the work, a survey of the main institutional actors in the field to go on to define the third mission of the Italian universities by retracing the policies for access to work and services fielded by some public and private Lazio’s universities.

Core Documentation

Teaching materials
(teaching materials and handouts may be requested by email to the contact of dr. Gianni D'Agostini - gianni.dagostini@uniroma3.it)

Policies and services for the study:
- Slides: "the right to university study in Italy: scholarships"
- The right to university study A.A. 2017-2018 (Miur - Statistics and Studies Office)
- The right to university study, september 2019, CD, Study Service, XVIII legislature
- The current legislation on the right to university study, January 2020, CD, Study Service, XVIII Legislature

Policies and services for the work:

- The job market 2018 - Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, Istat, Inps, Inail e Anpal. Cap. 1, 2, 3
- Universities and businesses, report 2018, Foundation CRUI, pg 34-64
- ANVUR, Biennial report 2018, part II, sez. 9, Third mission activities: strategies, resources and impact, pg 1-24
- ANPAL, Active labor policies in Italy, 2019, pg. 11-36


- artt. 3 e 34 Italian constitution (principle of equality and right to study)
- DPR 616/1977, art. 34
- Law 390/1991
- Law 549/95
- DPCM 9 april 2001
- Law 240/2010
- DLGS 68/2012 (DSU)

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures, seminars by experts, group exercises held in class, screening and discussion of video on the theme of work .

Type of evaluation

Oral exam to deepen the topics covered in class and the material made available on the web chair.