The aim of the course is to provide knowledge and skills that allow the student to know how to orientate himself in the panorama of different contemporary sociological theories, to know how to frame the most recent forms of social change and to be able to adequately describe the modalities of social interaction.

At the end of the course the student:
- has become familiar with the concepts used by contemporary macro and micro sociological theory and knows interpretative forms and methods of analysis of the social reality proposed by it.
- is able to critically orient himself among the different theoretical models offered by contemporary sociology to understand the central axes around which his cognitive activity revolves: from social change to social interaction.
teacher profile | teaching materials


TEACHING PROGRAM: The goal of training is to enable students to become aware of the diversity of the contributions produced by contemporary sociology, both on the micro-sociological side and the macro-sociological one, and therefore by considering two main aspects: the social interaction on the one hand, the social change on the other. For this reason, the course program aims at offering an overview of contemporary international sociological theory and will focus mainly on contributions from the second half of the Twentieth Century and the beginning of the Twenty-First Century (for example, Garfinkel, Goffman, Sacks, Foucault etc.), but not only on that: actually, even if we will start from the Fifties of the last century, in rare cases we will mention some previous reference points (authors; for example, Mead).
EDUCATIONAL GOALS: The teaching aims to provide student with knowledge and skill to be able to orient himself in the landscape of the different contemporary sociological theories, to frame the most recent forms of social change, and to describe appropriately the ways of social interaction.
At the end of the course, students:
- Have become acquainted with the concepts used by the contemporary macro- and micro-sociological theory and know its interpretative forms and analysis means of social reality.
- Are able to orient themselves critically amongst the different theoretical models offered by contemporary sociology to understand the central axes around which its knowledge activity revolves: from social change to social interaction.
For any further information, for example concerning office consulting hours for students, office location, examination dates and locations, and news, please visit professor Spreafico academic web page on the following link: http://scienzeformazione.uniroma3.it/persone/QVRoTnk2K3NuL1Y3aDNjVWp0N3dweksvUm9uTXkrdHErQ1hnbDZTWUZFaz0=/ .
http://formonline.uniroma3.it/course/view.php?id=471 .

Core Documentation

1) Patrick Baert and Filipe Carreira da Silva, "La teoria sociale contemporanea", il Mulino, Bologna, 2010 (Second Edition, updated).
Chapters: I (only paragraphs 3, 4, 5); III; V; VI; VII; VIII; Conclusions.
2) George Ritzer, "Teoria sociologica. Radici classiche e sfide contemporanee", Maggioli-Apogeo, Santarcangelo di Romagna-Milan, 2012-2014.
Chapters: 1; 3 (only from p. 72 to p. 82); 4 (only from p. 113 to p. 121); 5; 6 (only from p. 185 to p. 209); 7 (only from p. 241 to p. 264); 8; 9; 10.
3) Andrea Spreafico, "Le vie della comunità. Legami sociali e differenze culturali", Franco Angeli, Milan, 2005.
Chapters: all the text.
4) A text to choose from the list below:
- Anthony Giddens, “Le conseguenze della modernità”, il Mulino.
- Anthony Giddens, “Il mondo che cambia. Come la globalizzazione ridisegna la nostra vita”, il Mulino.
- Ulrich Beck, “La società del rischio”, Carocci.
- Ulrich Beck, “La società cosmopolita”, il Mulino.
- Zygmunt Bauman, “La solitudine del cittadino globale”, Feltrinelli.
- Jurgen Habermas, "La costellazione postnazionale. Mercato globale, nazioni, democrazia", Feltrinelli.
- Peter Berger, “Homo ridens. La dimensione comica dell’esperienza umana”, il Mulino.
- Edgar Morin, “Terra-Patria”, Raffaello Cortina.
- Richard Sennett, “L’uomo flessibile. Le conseguenze del nuovo capitalismo sulla vita personale”, Feltrinelli.
- Norbert Elias, “La società degli individui”, il Mulino.
- Norbert Elias, “Potere e civiltà”, il Mulino.
- Yuval Noah Harari, “Da animali a dèi”, Bompiani.
- Yuval Noah Harari, “Homo Deus. Breve storia del futuro", Bompiani.
- Charles Taylor, “Il disagio della modernità”, Laterza.
- Jean-François Lyotard, “La condizione postmoderna”, Feltrinelli.
- Edward Banfield, “Le basi morali di una società arretrata”, il Mulino.
- Karl Polanyi, "La grande trasformazione. Le origini economiche e politiche della nostra epoca", Einaudi.
- John Kitsuse e Malcolm Spector, "Sociologia dei problemi sociali", Mimesis [Introduction of Enrico Caniglia included].
- Andrea Spreafico, "La ricerca del sé nella teoria sociale", Armando.
- Luc Boltanski, "Della critica. Compendio di sociologia dell'emancipazione", Rosenberg & Sellier.
- Enrico Caniglia and Andrea Spreafico, "Difficoltà della sociologia emancipatoria", Edizioni Altravista.
- Eviatar Zerubavel, "Dato per scontato. La costruzione sociale dell'ovvietà", Meltemi.
- Jonathan Friedman, "Politicamente corretto. Il conformismo morale come regime".
Chapters: all the text.

Reference Bibliography

Further optional reference texts will be suggested during the course.

Type of delivery of the course

-Teaching methods: The course consists of classroom lectures. In some occasions, experts in a particular topic will be invited to participate in lessons dealing with a specific subject, in order to offer students useful in-depth teaching. The forms of some intermediate practice exercises and/or of a written and oral report on some reading materials will be decided during the course. Corona virus: http://formonline.uniroma3.it/course/view.php?id=471 .


-Teaching methods: The course consists of classroom lectures. In some occasions, experts in a particular topic will be invited to participate in lessons dealing with a specific subject, in order to offer students useful in-depth teaching. The forms of some intermediate practice exercises and/or of a written and oral report on some reading materials will be decided during the course. Coronavirus: http://formonline.uniroma3.it/course/view.php?id=471 .

Type of evaluation

Final oral examination in scheduled summer, autumn and winter exam sessions. -Assessments: °In the presence during the lectures. °The forms of some intermediate practice exercises and/or of a written and oral report on some reading materials will be decided during the course. °Final oral examinations at the end of the course will take place during planned regular sessions in June-July, September, January-February and so on, in the dates, hours and classrooms published on the electronic page of professor Spreafico (http://scienzeformazione.uniroma3.it/persone/QVRoTnk2K3NuL1Y3aDNjVWp0N3dweksvUm9uTXkrdHErQ1hnbDZTWUZFaz0=/).