22910116 - Sociology of socialization processes + "Social inclusion" workshop

The course aims to contribute to the knowledge of the main sociological problems in close connection with the disciplinary, research and social intervention fields present in the serss inter-class degree course. The course in particular pursues the objective of introducing to the knowledge of socializing processes through a historical-critical analysis of the different theoretical approaches and of the corresponding categories of analysis adopted in the study of reproduction models of contemporary societies and of the main research topics addressed.
The monographic part focuses on the forms of reproduction of the social bond, on the practices and cultures of solidarity and mutualism. The laboratory activities, focused on the analysis of particular agencies, contexts and socializing processes, will offer experiential learning paths based on the use of tools and techniques for observation, detection, treatment and analysis of information and data.
At the end of the course the student will have acquired:
- ability to apply sociological concepts to the analysis of the main socializing processes that characterize specific forms of inclusion in contemporary society;
- ability to critically decline the theoretical reference models;
- descriptive and interpretative skills in the analysis of diversified data sources, related to socialization and social inclusion processes.

Teaching proposes to transmit knowledges and competences that allow the student to know him to direct in the panorama of the social sciences, to know and to use the principals tools of the empirical search and to stimulate the propensity to the search on the field

At the end of the course the student:
- has acquired familiarity with the concepts of base of the cultural and relational sociology
- is able to orient critically among the different contemporary models of the social sciences
- has acquired familiarity with tools and methods of the social search
- has developed empirical and situated experience on the field of studies


Mutuazione: 22910116 Sociologia dei processi di socializzazione + Laboratorio "Inclusione sociale" in Servizio sociale e Sociologia L-40 (docente da definire)

teacher profile | teaching materials


Course topics
• The main paradigms of contemporary sociology
• Society and socialization processes
• Learning, production and reproduction of subjectivity
• Differences and social inequalities
• Third sector, mutualism and cultures of solidarity
• Processes of marginalization and social exclusion, inclusion and contrast measures
• Social actors: conditions, representations, narrations and meanings
• Methods of observation and analysis of social phenomena: enography, inquiry, quantitative information treatment

Core Documentation

Testi di riferimento per d’esame:
Sociologia dei processi di socializzazione – 6 Cfu
1. Besozzi Elena (2017), Educazione e società, Carocci;
2. Dubar Claude (2004), La socializzazione, il Mulino;
3. Carbone Vincenzo (2011), Tra il dire e il fare, Carocci, [solo Prefaz., Introd. e Cap.1,2,5], oppure in alternativa:
Carbone Vincenzo, Gargiulo Enrico, Russo Spena Maurizia (2018), I confini dell’inclusione. La civic integration tra selezione e disciplinamento dei corpi migranti, DeriveApprodi [solo Introd. e Cap. 1,2,6];
Laboratorio Inclusione sociale - 3 Cfu
4. Tuorto Dario (2017), Esclusione sociale. Uno sguardo sociologico, Pearson [solo Cap. 1, 2, 3, 7];
5. Paone Sonia (2010), La città fra marginalità ed esclusione sociale, in "Societàmutamentopolitica”, vol.1 (*)
6. Carbone V., (2019), La riarticolazione securitaria del management migratorio: il contrasto dell’immigrazione e la vicenda Riace, in «Rivista delle Politiche Sociali», 2/2019;
Articoli e saggi: Letture aggiuntive [(*) disponibili gratuitamente su richiesta mail];
• Carbone V., (2018), Disagio spaziale, tra vecchie e nuove disuguaglianze urbane, in Biasi V., Fiorucci M., Forme contemporanee del disagio, Romatre-Press (*);
• Carbone V., Di Sandro M. (2018), Esquilino. Per un etnico socialmente desiderabile, in Osservatorio Romano sulle Migrazioni – XIII Rapporto, IDOS (*).
• Carbone V., (2013), Città eterna, Precarie vite, Aracne [solo Premessa e Cap. 1, 2] (*).
• Scandurra E., (2018), Cosa sarà delle nostre periferie? Conflitti urbani e aree marginali, in "Theomai", n.37 (*).
• Parenti F.M., (2009), Gli effetti del neoliberalismo sugli spazi urbani, in "Bollettino di società geografica italiana"13/2 (*).

Reference Bibliography

Luciano Gallino, Dizionario di sociologia, Utet, Torino Paolo Jedlowsky, Il mondo in questione, Carocci, Roma

Type of delivery of the course

for the general theoretical section: - traditional teaching modules, with the help of video and documental materials; for the themes of monographic study: - seminars, presentation of researches and volumes, interventions by experts for laboratory activities - databases analysis, research work, documentation, ...; - production of a report of the work carried out (individual or small groups - max 3 people).


course attendance is strongly recommended, in an assiduous form above all for the laboratory activities

Type of evaluation

In relation to the Covid-19 coping measures, the tests will take place only electronically through the Microsoft Teams University platform. Therefore, all candidates are invited to read the regulation and, above all, to update their university profile on the GOMP system, by entering the valid identification document: non-recognition will prevent access to the test. The summer exam session will take place on three sessions: • from 18 June and subsequent days (according to planning by number of candidates); • from 07 July and subsequent days (according to planning by number of candidates); • a third extraordinary appeal date will be activated shortly (end of July). For attending students 1. who have carried out the intermediate self-assessment test: • the oral exam focuses on the topics referred to the general part that may be indicated in the evaluation form (published online and which interested parties can request via email) and on the monographic topics of the course. 2. For those who have joined the laboratory activities: • a preliminary interview is scheduled on the original contribution produced by the student (to be sent at least 10 days before the exam session to v.carbone@uniroma3.it, with the subject: surname / name-serial number-contribution to be evaluated); • followed by some questions on the general and monographic parts. For those who do not fall under points (1 and 2) and for non-attending students • the oral learning verification interview focuses on the entire study program. The final score of the commission will be entered on GOMP, according to the student's acceptance / refusal of the mark to be exercised within a week.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Course topics

• The main paradigms of contemporary sociology

• Society and socialization processes

• Learning, production and reproduction of subjectivity

• Differences and social inequalities

• Third sector, mutualism and cultures of solidarity

• Processes of marginalization and social exclusion, inclusion and contrast measures

• Social actors: conditions, representations, narrations and meanings

• Methods of observation and analysis of social phenomena: enography, inquiry, quantitative information treatment

Core Documentation

Sociologia dei processi di socializzazione – 6 Cfu

1. Dubar Claude (2004), La socializzazione, il Mulino;

2. Besozzi Elena (2017), Educazione e società, Carocci;

3.a Carbone Vincenzo (2011), Tra il dire e il fare, Carocci.


3.b Carbone Vincenzo, Gargiulo Enrico, Russo Spena Maurizia (2018), I confini dell’inclusione. La civic integration tra selezione e disciplinamento dei corpi migranti, DeriveApprodi.

Laboratorio Inclusione sociale - 3 Cfu

1. Tuorto Dario (2017), Esclusione sociale. Uno sguardo sociologico, Pearson.

2. Paone Sonia (2010), La città fra marginalità ed esclusione sociale, in "Societàmutamentopolitica, vol.1 [disponibile gratuitamente su richiesta mail al docente]

Letture aggiuntive :

- Scandurra Enzo (2018), Cosa sarà delle nostre periferie? Conflitti urbani e aree marginali, in "Theomai", n.37 [disponibile gratuitamente su richiesta mail al docente].

- Carbone Vincenzo (2013), Città eterna, Precarie vite, Aracne - [disponibile gratuitamente su richiesta mail al docente].

- Carbone Vincenzo (2018), Disagio spaziale, tra vecchie e nuove disuguaglianze urbane, in Biasi V., Fiorucci M., Forme contemporanee del disagio, Romatre-Press, [disponibile gratuitamente su richiesta mail al docente];

- Carbone Vincenzo, Di Sandro Mirco (2018), Esquilino. Per un etnico socialmente desiderabile, in Osservatorio Romano sulle Migrazioni – XIII Rapporto, IDOS, [disponibile gratuitamente su richiesta mail al docente].

- Carbone Vincenzo (2019), La riarticolazione securitaria del management migratorio: il contrasto dell'immigrazione e la vicenda Riace, in "Rivista delle politiche sociale", N. 2

- Parenti Fabio Massimo (2009), Gli effetti del neoliberalismo sugli spazi urbani, in "Bollettino di società geografica italiana" serie 13, vol. 2.[disponibile gratuitamente su richiesta mail al docente].

Type of delivery of the course

for the general theoretical section: - traditional teaching modules, with the help of video and documental materials; for the themes of monographic study: - seminars, presentation of researches and volumes, interventions by experts for laboratory activities - databases analysis, research work, documentation, ...; - production of a report of the work carried out (individual or small groups - max 3 people).


course attendance is strongly recommended, in an assiduous form above all for the laboratory activities

Type of evaluation

For attending students Intermediate test on the general themes of teaching. It takes place through a structured test (open and pre-coded questions) during the course hours. The second test provides an oral interview that focuses on the monographic topics. Evaluation of laboratory activities. After passing the structured tests on the general and monographic topics, there will be an interview on the original contribution produced by the student (to be sent at least 10 days before the exam session at m.disandro@uniorma3.it, with the subject: surname / name -matricola-contribution to be evaluated). For non-attending students Verification of learning takes place through a first selective written test lasting about 60 minutes. The written test is organized through the administration of: • 30 multiple choice questions (with 4 answer options) on the general part of the program; • 4 open-ended questions on the thematic nucleuses and on the monographic part of the program; aimed Passing the selective test, allows access to the final summative oral verification.