The objective of the course is to encourage the reflection on the interpersonal relationship, declined in the mode of love, care and gift, or on the contrary, of domination and violence. It also intends to show the importance of a clear and truthful communication, both in interpersonal relationships and with regard to the community.
The educational objectives of the course (according to the Dublin descriptors) are the following:
1. Knowledge and understanding: the critical understanding of the main concepts of ethics of relationship, both in their historical development and in the theoretical dimension and in connections with other disciplines and research fields (psychology, literature, education sciences). For this reason the course aims to: 1. Retrace the salient moments of the development of ethical reflection; 2. Analyze the main concepts of ethics of relationship: love, gift, forgiveness, care.
2. Ability to apply knowledge: 1) ability to use bibliographic tools and reference works for understanding texts; 2) ability to apply text reading methods.
3. Autonomy of judgment: ability to formulate a reasoned judgment on issues related to interpersonal relationships; establish relationship between ethics and educational sciences; identify the ethical principles that characterize the responsibility of communication in professional and social life.
4. Acquisition of communication skills: to practice philosophical discussion as an exercise of respectful dialogue and critical argumentation.

teacher profile | teaching materials


a) You and me: human person as a relational being
b) Different relational modalities: love, friendship, gift, dependence
c) Codes of human life: motherhood, fatherhood, sonship, brotherhood
d) Alterity and dialogue
e) Philosophical aspects of “conversationalism”
f) The importance of trust in interpersonal relationships

Core Documentation

A. FAVORINI-F. RUSSO, Relazioni e legami nell’esistenza umana, Franco Angeli, Milano (solo i 3 capitoli di Russo, Malo, Vial)
• J. PIEPER, Sull’amore, Morcelliana, Brescia 2012
• F. RUSSO, Antropologia delle relazioni, Armando, Roma 2019
• I. PUNZI, I quattro codici della vita umana. Filialità, maternità, paternità, fraternità, San Paolo 2018
• G. MILAN, Educare all’incontro. La pedagogia di Martin Buber, Città Nuova, Roma 2002

Type of delivery of the course

-Frontal lessons - Individual and group exercises - Case analysis -Videos and movies Due to the suspension of the lessons due to the COVID19 emergency, the lessons relating to the suspension period will also be available in the video recording at the following link: http://formonline.uniroma3.it/ The access key to the course is: EticaRelaz. 19/20

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of two tests: one in the middle of the course (working group, individual presentation) and one written at the end, consisting of 8 questions (open questions, closed questions and definitions). The final grade will be awarded out of thirty, according to the marks obtained in the tests. The evaluation of the student’s group works will be considered seriously and will be added a 10% to the final score.