-Discuss the meaning of experimentalism within the educational process organization
-Recognize the experimental research contributions to the development of an educational model
-Recognize the elements of didactic innovation in the montessori pedagogy model.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The lectures will discuss the methods of empirical research aimed to the observation and analysis of educational settings.
A laboratory will analyze the contribution of Montessori pedagogy to the current teaching models.
A seminar will propose a critical reading of a Montessori text.

Core Documentation

1. C. Tornar, La pedagogia di Maria Montessori tra teoria e azione. Franco Angeli, Milano .
2. M. Montessori, Dall'infanzia all'adolescenza, (esclusivamente edizione Franco Angeli 2019, seconda edizione a cura di Clara Tornar, con introduzione e note critiche aggiornate).
3. M. Montessori, Psicogrammatica , a cura di C. Tornar e G. Honegger Fresco, Franco Angeli, 2017.
4. Centro di Studi montessoriani (a cura di), Linee di ricerca sulla pedagogia di Maria Montessori, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2005.

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of a written test composed of eight open-ended questions. The questions concern all the exam texts. The duration of the test is 40 minutes.