22910105 - Digital Storylearning. Narrazione e apprendimento (Exchange Program)

The course aims to:
- encourage a democratization path (meaning the actual accessibility) of the training, including the students who can’t attend classes for personal and business reasons: the blended organization of lessons (with training activities in presence and online) allows the active participation of all students. In a virtuous double bond, the sharing of the topics of study and preparation for a conscious and ethical use of the network are facilitated. This is in line with the Bill of Rights on the Internet approved by Italian Parliament on 07.28.2015: “The Public institutions must ensure the creation, use and dissemination of knowledge in the Internet as well accessible and usable by any person”;
- enhance the centrality of storytelling in learning processes and promoting narrative skills: telling is always talk about, and the mind is made of stories;
- the structure that connects the elements of reality is a network of stories (Bateson); each story is a representation that connects and builds links around the construct of narrative thinking;
- provide operational tools to make the stories being digital: designing and implementing Digital storytelling with social networks, the Prezi software and the Moodle platform of the Department and;
- promote the acquisition of e-skills for the creation of learning paths accessible in public and private work organizations (multidisciplinary teams, working groups) and in the social communities (agencies dealing reception for minors, family houses, educators, social workers), with the aim to bring the learner to the professional post-graduate world.