The general objective of the course is that of offering to the students the basic theoretical and institutional knowledge and the necessary instruments for the comprehension of:

- the role of government in the economy and the main functions of the public sector in a market economy, with both a positive and a normative approach;

- the composition of public spending;

- the main taxes in Italy;

- the activity of sub-central governments.

The suggested topics investigate the reasons of public intervention in the economy, its shortcomings, the theory of taxation, the main spending programs that compose a welfare state and the main theoretical aspects of fiscal decentralization.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Introduction, welfare economics, market failures, government failures, main expenditure programs (income redistribution, social assistance, health care, pensions, education) taxation theory, main taxes (on personal income, corporations, consumption, wealth) and local public finance

Core Documentation

H. S. Rosen, T. Gayer (2014), Scienza delle finanze, V ed., Milano, McGraw-Hill.
P. Bosi-M. C. Guerra (2018), I tributi nell'economia italiana, ultima edizione, Bologna, Il Mulino.

Reference Bibliography

No additional bibliografic reference


Attendance is not mandatory

Type of evaluation

Students may take the exam of Public finance in two alternative ways: 1) During the course two written exams will be held, in dates reported in the syllabus. The student who will take both exams may have the weighted average of the two grades (40% exam 1; 60% exam 2) as the final grade of Public Finance, provided that in exam 2 he/she will have received a passing grade (not less than 18/30). If so, the student may accept such a grade and have it registered without further ado in any appeal of the first exam session (summer session). 2) Students who will not have taken either or both written exams, or who will not have a sufficient grade from the weighted average of the grades, or who nevertheless aspire to attain a higher grade, can take the oral exam on the entire program of the course in any appeal they register to.