Introduce students to the main topics and tools of European policy concerning the so-called Digital Single Market, in order to make them acquire the necessary knowledge to better understand this current and innovative policy of the European integration process


teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810279 SEMINARIO - DIGITAL SINGLE MARKET ED INFORMATION SECURITY : VERSO LA NUOVA PROGRAMMAZIONE 2021-2027 in Scienze politiche per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo L-36 TORINO RAFFAELE


Digital economy "Data Driven"
Digital Single Market and Security by Design
Artificial Intelligence: the European Vision
Internet of Things and 5G
Block Chain and Smart Contracts

Core Documentation

There is not a compulsory textbook

Type of delivery of the course

The seminar will take place through ordinary lectures, sometimes with the participation of experts. There will be also classroom exercises


The attendance to lectures is mandatory. The absences shall be justified and cannot be more than the 30% of the total amount of lectures hours.

Type of evaluation

Students shall write a written paper after the completion of the seminar on one of the seminar's topics.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810279 SEMINARIO - DIGITAL SINGLE MARKET ED INFORMATION SECURITY : VERSO LA NUOVA PROGRAMMAZIONE 2021-2027 in Scienze politiche per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo L-36 TORINO RAFFAELE


Digital economy "Data Driven"
Digital Single Market and Security by Design
Artificial Intelligence: the European Vision
Internet of Things and 5G
Block Chain and Smart Contracts

Core Documentation

There is not a compulsory textbook

Type of delivery of the course

The seminar will take place through ordinary lectures, sometimes with the participation of experts. There will be also classroom exercises


The attendance to lectures is mandatory. The absences shall be justified and cannot be more than the 30% of the total amount of lectures hours.

Type of evaluation

Students shall write a written paper after the completion of the seminar on one of the seminar's topics.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810279 SEMINARIO - DIGITAL SINGLE MARKET ED INFORMATION SECURITY : VERSO LA NUOVA PROGRAMMAZIONE 2021-2027 in Scienze politiche per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo L-36 TORINO RAFFAELE


Digital economy "Data Driven"
Digital Single Market and Security by Design
Artificial Intelligence: the European Vision
Internet of Things and 5G
Block Chain and Smart Contracts

Core Documentation

There is not a compulsory textbook

Type of delivery of the course

The seminar will take place through ordinary lectures, sometimes with the participation of experts. There will be also classroom exercises


The attendance to lectures is mandatory. The absences shall be justified and cannot be more than the 30% of the total amount of lectures hours.

Type of evaluation

Students shall write a written paper after the completion of the seminar on one of the seminar's topics.