Develop students' full knowledge and awareness of the rights deriving from European citizenship, in the context of the freedom of free movement of persons guaranteed by European treaties


teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810282 SEMINARIO - LA CITTADINANZA EUROPEA: ASPETTI GIURIDICI E GIURISPRUDENZIALI in Scienze politiche per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo L-36 TORINO RAFFAELE, Di Maio Claudio


The cycle of seminars offers a reasoned and in-depth analysis of the current legal situation of the European citizen, focusing on the latest jurisprudential aspects, interpretations in the light of international sources and the repercussions on the substantial cases that range from the free movement of people to the most delicate area of immigration.
For this reason, it makes use of all available legal instruments and the latest cases of the European Courts.

Core Documentation

There is no compulsory textbook.
Case law and readings useful for further information will be indicated during the seminar

Type of delivery of the course

The seminar will take place through lectures and class discussion of case law


Attendance is mandatory. Any absences must be justified and cannot exceed 30% of the lesson hours

Type of evaluation

Students will have to elaborate a written paper at the end of the seminar

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810282 SEMINARIO - LA CITTADINANZA EUROPEA: ASPETTI GIURIDICI E GIURISPRUDENZIALI in Scienze politiche per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo L-36 TORINO RAFFAELE, Di Maio Claudio

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810282 SEMINARIO - LA CITTADINANZA EUROPEA: ASPETTI GIURIDICI E GIURISPRUDENZIALI in Scienze politiche per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo L-36 TORINO RAFFAELE, Di Maio Claudio


The cycle of seminars offers a reasoned and in-depth analysis of the current legal situation of the European citizen, focusing on the latest jurisprudential aspects, interpretations in the light of international sources and the repercussions on the substantial cases that range from the free movement of people to the most delicate area of immigration.
For this reason, it makes use of all available legal instruments and the latest cases of the European Courts.

Core Documentation

There is no compulsory textbook.
Case law and readings useful for further information will be indicated during the seminar

Type of delivery of the course

The seminar will take place through lectures and class discussion of case law


Attendance is mandatory. Any absences must be justified and cannot exceed 30% of the lesson hours

Type of evaluation

Students will have to elaborate a written paper at the end of the seminar

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810282 SEMINARIO - LA CITTADINANZA EUROPEA: ASPETTI GIURIDICI E GIURISPRUDENZIALI in Scienze politiche per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo L-36 TORINO RAFFAELE, Di Maio Claudio

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810282 SEMINARIO - LA CITTADINANZA EUROPEA: ASPETTI GIURIDICI E GIURISPRUDENZIALI in Scienze politiche per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo L-36 TORINO RAFFAELE, Di Maio Claudio


The cycle of seminars offers a reasoned and in-depth analysis of the current legal situation of the European citizen, focusing on the latest jurisprudential aspects, interpretations in the light of international sources and the repercussions on the substantial cases that range from the free movement of people to the most delicate area of immigration.
For this reason, it makes use of all available legal instruments and the latest cases of the European Courts.

Core Documentation

There is no compulsory textbook.
Case law and readings useful for further information will be indicated during the seminar

Type of delivery of the course

The seminar will take place through lectures and class discussion of case law


Attendance is mandatory. Any absences must be justified and cannot exceed 30% of the lesson hours

Type of evaluation

Students will have to elaborate a written paper at the end of the seminar

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21810282 SEMINARIO - LA CITTADINANZA EUROPEA: ASPETTI GIURIDICI E GIURISPRUDENZIALI in Scienze politiche per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo L-36 TORINO RAFFAELE, Di Maio Claudio