The course aims to examine the study of the Spanish language and culture through communicative and socio-cultural skills. In particular, we will focus on the study of the Hispanic political world. The course is divided into two modules: Module I (Special Languages) covers the study of specialty languages in a communicative and cultural perspective; Module II (Political language) focuses on the study of political language and the analysis of political discourses.


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Course contents
Module I: Specialty Languages
1. Las lenguas de especialidad
Denominaciones, definiciones y características generales
The dimensión horizontal: el léxico y la terminología
The vertical dimension: textos, funciones y niveles de especialización

2.El lenguaje jurídico-administrativo:
Origen y características generales
El léxico jurídico
Rasgos morfosintácticos
El estilo formulario
Nivel textual
Géneros textuales

4.El lenguaje de los medios de comunicación
Definición, características, funciones tendencias, géneros

5.El leguaje deportivo
Definición, características, tendencias, géneros

6.El leguaje turístico
Definición, origen, características, función, géneros

7.El leguaje advertising
Definición, origen, características, función, géneros

Reference text:
Maria Vittoria Calvi et al., Lenguas de especialidad en español, Carocci publisher, Rome, 2009.

Module II: Political language.
1.El Lenguaje político
1.1. Origen y características
1.2. El léxico político
1.3. The political phraseology
1.4. Emisor y recipient
1.5. El contexto histórico
1.6. La retórica
1.7. Estrategias discursivas
1.8. La persuasión política
1.9. The description and the insult
1.10 Tipologías de discursos: totalitarios, de crisis, de investidura

Reference text:
Luisa A. Messina Fajardo, El lenguaje político. Características y análisis of the political discourse, Maggioli publisher / Apogeo education, Milan, 2016.
Note *: For the academic year 2018-2019 the topics of the political speeches to be analyzed in the theses will have to face the following topics:
1. The Venezuela case: Maduro & Guaidó
2. Defense of human rights
3. The defense of equal opportunities: voces de mujeres políticas
4. Los derechos humanos y civiles

PARDO ABRIL, NEYLA. (2007), Cómo hacer análisis crítico del discurso. A Latin American perspectiva. Santiago de Chile: Frasis.
VAN DIJK, Teun A. (ed.) (2000a). El discurso como estructura y como proceso. Barcelona: Gedisa.
VAN DIJK, TEUN A. (1996), "Discurso, poder y acceso", in Text and Practices: Readings in Critical Discourse Analysis, Caldas-Coultard Carmen Rosa and Coultard Malcom (eds), London, Routledge, pp. 84-104.
VAN DIJK, Teun A. (1999), El análisis crítico del discurso, Barcelona, Anthropos.
VAN DIJK, Teun A. (2005), Política, ideología y discurso, Universidad del Zulia, Quorum académico.
VAN DIJK, TEUN A. (ed.) (2000a). El discurso como estructura y como proceso.

Core Documentation

Maria Vittoria Calvi et al., Las lenguas de especialidad en español, Carocci editore, Roma, 2009.
Luisa A. Messina Fajardo, El lenguaje político. Características y análisis del discurso político, Maggioli editore / Apogeo education, Milano, 2016.

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching Methods The teaching for the Culture Course of the Spanish Speaking Countries (8 CFU) is divided into two modules: 1) Sectoral or specialty languages 2) Analysis of political discourse The Module I Sectoral Languages: the topics will be treated frontally and in a seminar format. Students are therefore required to follow both the lectures and the seminars that will take place during the academic year and which will be reported by the teacher. A short dissertation will be held to be agreed with the teacher. I Module II: Political Language: the topics will be dealt with frontally and a short dissertation will be held to be agreed with the teacher on the topics indicated below *.


Attendance is not mandatory but highly recommended.

Type of evaluation

Learning assessment method The exam includes an oral interview. The oral exam covers module I (Sectoral languages) and module II (Political language) and will take into account the essays that are preparatory to the oral exam and which must be delivered at least two weeks before the oral exam for non-attending students . Information on the papers to be prepared (follow the form, provided by the teacher, for the analysis of the speech) form I prepare a term paper in Spanish by analyzing 7 texts from which to extract the following languages: - legal-administrative (2) - journalistic (2) -Sports (1) - tourist (1) - advertising (1) module II prepare a term paper in Spanish by analyzing 4 political speeches (at least two in Italian) Referral texts (required): Module I Maria Vittoria Calvi et al., Lenguas de especialidad en español, Carocci publisher, Rome, 2009. Module II Luisa A. Messina Fajardo, El lenguaje político. Características y análisis of the political discourse, Maggioli publisher / Apogeo education, Milan, 2016. TO SUPPORT THE EXAM IT IS NECESSARY TO BOOK ON THE STUDENT PORTAL. RESERVATION THROUGH EMAIL IS NOT CONSIDERED VALID. THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM IS VALID UNTIL THE JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2020 SESSION. STUDENTS ARE REALLY PRAYED TO READ THE PROGRAM CAREFULLY.

teacher profile | teaching materials



Course contents
Module I: Specialty Languages
1. Las lenguas de especialidad
Denominaciones, definiciones y características generales
The dimensión horizontal: el léxico y la terminología
The vertical dimension: textos, funciones y niveles de especialización

2.El lenguaje jurídico-administrativo:
Origen y características generales
El léxico jurídico
Rasgos morfosintácticos
El estilo formulario
Nivel textual
Géneros textuales

4.El lenguaje de los medios de comunicación
Definición, características, funciones tendencias, géneros

5.El leguaje deportivo
Definición, características, tendencias, géneros

6.El leguaje turístico
Definición, origen, características, función, géneros

7.El leguaje advertising
Definición, origen, características, función, géneros

Reference text:
Maria Vittoria Calvi et al., Lenguas de especialidad en español, Carocci publisher, Rome, 2009.

Module II: Political language.
1.El Lenguaje político
1.1. Origen y características
1.2. El léxico político
1.3. The political phraseology
1.4. Emisor y recipient
1.5. El contexto histórico
1.6. La retórica
1.7. Estrategias discursivas
1.8. La persuasión política
1.9. The description and the insult
1.10 Tipologías de discursos: totalitarios, de crisis, de investidura

Reference text:
Luisa A. Messina Fajardo, El lenguaje político. Características y análisis of the political discourse, Maggioli publisher / Apogeo education, Milan, 2016.
Note *: For the academic year 2018-2019 the topics of the political speeches to be analyzed in the theses will have to face the following topics:
1. The Venezuela case: Maduro & Guaidó
2. Defense of human rights
3. The defense of equal opportunities: voces de mujeres políticas
4. Los derechos humanos y civiles

PARDO ABRIL, NEYLA. (2007), Cómo hacer análisis crítico del discurso. A Latin American perspectiva. Santiago de Chile: Frasis.
VAN DIJK, Teun A. (ed.) (2000a). El discurso como estructura y como proceso. Barcelona: Gedisa.
VAN DIJK, TEUN A. (1996), "Discurso, poder y acceso", in Text and Practices: Readings in Critical Discourse Analysis, Caldas-Coultard Carmen Rosa and Coultard Malcom (eds), London, Routledge, pp. 84-104.
VAN DIJK, Teun A. (1999), El análisis crítico del discurso, Barcelona, Anthropos.
VAN DIJK, Teun A. (2005), Política, ideología y discurso, Universidad del Zulia, Quorum académico.
VAN DIJK, TEUN A. (ed.) (2000a). El discurso como estructura y como proceso.

Core Documentation

Maria Vittoria Calvi et al., Las lenguas de especialidad en español, Carocci editore, Roma, 2009.
Luisa A. Messina Fajardo, El lenguaje político. Características y análisis del discurso político, Maggioli editore / Apogeo education, Milano, 2016.

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching Methods The teaching for the Culture Course of the Spanish Speaking Countries (8 CFU) is divided into two modules: 1) Sectoral or specialty languages 2) Analysis of political discourse The Module I Sectoral Languages: the topics will be treated frontally and in a seminar format. Students are therefore required to follow both the lectures and the seminars that will take place during the academic year and which will be reported by the teacher. A short dissertation will be held to be agreed with the teacher. I Module II: Political Language: the topics will be dealt with frontally and a short dissertation will be held to be agreed with the teacher on the topics indicated below *.


Attendance is not mandatory but highly recommended.

Type of evaluation

Learning assessment method The exam includes an oral interview. The oral exam covers module I (Sectoral languages) and module II (Political language) and will take into account the essays that are preparatory to the oral exam and which must be delivered at least two weeks before the oral exam for non-attending students . Information on the papers to be prepared (follow the form, provided by the teacher, for the analysis of the speech) form I prepare a term paper in Spanish by analyzing 7 texts from which to extract the following languages: - legal-administrative (2) - journalistic (2) -Sports (1) - tourist (1) - advertising (1) module II prepare a term paper in Spanish by analyzing 4 political speeches (at least two in Italian) Referral texts (required): Module I Maria Vittoria Calvi et al., Lenguas de especialidad en español, Carocci publisher, Rome, 2009. Module II Luisa A. Messina Fajardo, El lenguaje político. Características y análisis of the political discourse, Maggioli publisher / Apogeo education, Milan, 2016. TO SUPPORT THE EXAM IT IS NECESSARY TO BOOK ON THE STUDENT PORTAL. RESERVATION THROUGH EMAIL IS NOT CONSIDERED VALID. THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM IS VALID UNTIL THE JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2020 SESSION. STUDENTS ARE REALLY PRAYED TO READ THE PROGRAM CAREFULLY.