
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course focuses on the following issues:
- The notion of Digital Society
- Digital communication strategies and tools
- Statistical analysis of communication plans
- SEO content optimization and use of the WordPress platform
- Sustainable mobility: presentation of PUMS and Living Lab
- TRElab presentatione
The course guides students in acquiring tools to design and analyze a digital communication plan in the sustainable mobility field

Core Documentation

Ciaran Rogers, Daniel Rowles, 2019. Podcasting Marketing Strategy: A Complete Guide to Creating, Publishing and Monetizing a Successful Podcast, Kogan Page

Technical presentations and reference sitography

Reference Bibliography

https://libreresearchgroup.org/en/a/digital-society https://www.censis.it/comunicazione/i-media-e-la-costruzione-dell%E2%80%99identit%C3%A0 https://www.globalwebindex.com/reports/social https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Link_building http://www.sump-challenges.eu/ https://www.eltis.org/mobility-plans/activity-14-plan-stakeholder-and-citizen-involvement https://www.pumsroma.it/download/Pres-PUMS-complessiva-luglio-2019.pdf http://www.trelab.it/2020/02/26/living-lab-logistica-roma-capitale-commissione-mobilita/

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes live on-line lectures and exercises to be carried out individually.


Although not mandatory, attendance is highly recommended in order to understand and know how to carry out the practical activities foreseen in the seminar.

Type of evaluation

The final mark depends on the ongoing evaluation, with respect to the participation in the discussions during the meetings, and the outcome of a written and uploaded work on Wordpress.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course focuses on the following issues:
- The notion of Digital Society
- Digital communication strategies and tools
- Statistical analysis of communication plans
- SEO content optimization and use of the WordPress platform
- Sustainable mobility: presentation of PUMS and Living Lab
- TRElab presentatione
The course guides students in acquiring tools to design and analyze a digital communication plan in the sustainable mobility field

Core Documentation

Ciaran Rogers, Daniel Rowles, 2019. Podcasting Marketing Strategy: A Complete Guide to Creating, Publishing and Monetizing a Successful Podcast, Kogan Page

Technical presentations and reference sitography

Reference Bibliography

https://libreresearchgroup.org/en/a/digital-society https://www.censis.it/comunicazione/i-media-e-la-costruzione-dell%E2%80%99identit%C3%A0 https://www.globalwebindex.com/reports/social https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Link_building http://www.sump-challenges.eu/ https://www.eltis.org/mobility-plans/activity-14-plan-stakeholder-and-citizen-involvement https://www.pumsroma.it/download/Pres-PUMS-complessiva-luglio-2019.pdf http://www.trelab.it/2020/02/26/living-lab-logistica-roma-capitale-commissione-mobilita/

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes live on-line lectures and exercises to be carried out individually.


Although not mandatory, attendance is highly recommended in order to understand and know how to carry out the practical activities foreseen in the seminar.

Type of evaluation

The final mark depends on the ongoing evaluation, with respect to the participation in the discussions during the meetings, and the outcome of a written and uploaded work on Wordpress.