20402025 - Bioindication and Environmental Monitoring

Knowing the importance of the bioindication and the use of plants and animals as bioindicators for monitoring environmental quality status (water, air, soil).
Have a thorough knowledge of the instrumental methods, acquisition methodology, data analysis in the field of bioindication and ecosystem monitoring.
Acquire the knowledge for using the modern systems of bioindication, biomonitoring and bioremediation.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Bioindication: basic concepts. Main ecological characteristics of a Bioindicator. Two ways for bioindicating: react and bioaccumulate. The homeostasis of the Bioindicators. Time and ecological relationship of the bioindicators' responses to environmental variations (perturbations). What are a stress and a stressor.
Bioindication in different levels of biological organization. Integrity and funzionality of the Ecosystem. Status verification of the biocoenoses and evaluation of the environmental quality. Two different approaches: the theories of the Top-Down and of Buttom-Up.
Bioindication and environmental monitoring. Bioindication in aquatic, edaphic and atmospheric habitat. Examples of application of the bioindication techniques. Evaluation of the environmental quality by ecological and biotic indices. Standard and sperimental techniques for monitoring activities. The bioindication in Italy. Main European and Italian directives. International and national Agencies, Authorities, Institutions for environmental monitoring.

Core Documentation

Pdfs of the lessons performed during the course and the book: Bioindicatori ambientali, 1998, edited by F. Sartori, Graphic Arts Juri Iodice, Sannazzaro (PV).
The teacher receives Mon, Wed, Fri from 9.00 to 10.00 by appointment via email: simona.ceschin@uniroma3.it

Reference Bibliography

Consultation of scientific articles in international scientific journals (eg ecological indicators; Environmental monitoring and evaluation; Biomonitoring)

Type of delivery of the course

The course will take place with classroom lectures and educational field trips.


Frequency at lessons and field trips is not mandatory but is highly recommended.

Type of evaluation

Oral exame which consists of the discussion with the teacher of a scientific article selected by the student and which concerns one of the topics addressed during the course. Questions on topics included in the course program and addressed in class.