20410495 - Microbiomica

The goal of the Microbiomics course is to provide information about the structure, dynamics, evolution, and methods to investigate complex microbial communities as a whole. The rapid progress of omic sciences (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics) combined with high-throughput genome sequencing, global gene expression analysis tools, and powerful analytical method of metabolites has made feasible the analysis of complex and diverse microbial communities and their products as a whole.
The course is intended to provide state-of-art information on the impact of the microbiota in agriculture, food production, as well as animal and human health
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20410495 Microbiomica in Biologia per la ricerca molecolare, cellulare e fisiopatologica LM-6 VISCA PAOLO


BASIC TOPICS: Introduction to the genomics of prokaryotes and its study techniques (sequencing, annotation, gene family content, duplications and deletions); Horizontal gene transfer and mobilome; metagenomics; Transcriptomics and gene chips; Proteome and interactome; metabolomics; Genomics of single cells; Systems biology and health; Genetic manipulations - Expression of heterologous genes in bacteria - Evolution of bacterial genomes; Molecular phylogeny; Microbial taxonomy methods and species concept; Classification of prokaryotes; Culture analysis of microbial communities; Enrichment cultures; Isolation of single cells; Laser forceps; Flow cytometry; Microfluidic techniques; High-throughput systems; Staining methods; Fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH); Gene amplification methods for the analysis of microbial communities; Microarray analysis of the genetic and functional diversity of microorganisms; Environmental genomics and study methods; Measurement of microbial activity in nature; Examples of symbiosis: lichens, intestinal polymicrobial systems (rumen); General information on the huiman microbiome; Gastrointestinal microbiota; Oral and airway microbiota; Microbiota of the urogenital tract and skin; Development and evolution of the human microbiota; Studies on humans and in animal models; Colonization, microbial sequences and stability of the intestinal microbiota; Diseases associated with intestinal dysbiosis; Diseases associated with dysbiosis of the oral cavity, skin and genital tract; Antibiotics, resistome and induced alterations of the microbiome; Probiotics and prebiotics; Microbiota and intestine-brain axis.
APPLICATIONS: Technologies for sequencing and NGS; Culturome and chemotaxonomy; Sequencing data preparation and analysis; Phylogeny based on 16S rRNA, 25-28S rRNA, ITS etc .; Tools to analyze the structure and dynamics of the microbiota: Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) and metagenomics shotgun; Analytical databases, tools and pipelines (annotations); Resistome; Virulome; Virome.
IN-DEPTH: illustration of monothematic articles on the microbiota of humans, animals and plants, in relation to physio-pathological alterations. Groundbreaking articles and reviews will be selected from scientific journals year by year.

Core Documentation

"Brock biology of microorganisms" (English) by Michael T. Madigan (Author), Kelly S. Bender (Author), Daniel H. Buckley (Author), W. Matthew Sattley (Author), David A. Stahl (Author): chapters 9.1-9.14; 12.1-12.5; 12.9; 12.11-12.13; 13.5-13.10; 19.1-19.12; 23.1; 23.12, 23.13; 24.1-24.11
Microbiota in health and disease: from pregnancy to childhood. Editors Pamela D. Browne, Eric Claassen and Michael D. Cabana Published: 2017 Pages: 344. eISBN: 978-90-8686-839-1 | ISBN: 978-90-8686-294-8 https://doi.org/10.3920/978-90-8686-839-1
The human microbiota: how microbial communities affect health and disease / edited by David N. Fredricks.
ISBN 978-0-470-47989-6

Type of delivery of the course

The course is 24 lessons of 2 hours each


Attendance is strongly recommended because during the course the students, on a voluntary basis, will be asked to prepare and present oral presentations of 45 minutes each on topics assigned by the teacher.

Type of evaluation

The oral exam will take into account any presentation prepared and illustrated by the student during the course