20410204 - Sicurezza in Laboratorio

The aim of the course is to transmit and acquire knowledge and skills on the current legislation on the prevention of risks deriving from the use of chemical substances, physical agents and biological agents in the laboratory field, on the risks to safety and health, on risk assessment methodologies, on the correct use of personal protective equipment, on the management of emergencies.
At the end of the course the learners must be able to:
• know the legislation regarding safety and prevention of health risks;
• identify the risks of a chemical, physical and biological nature;
• identify the behaviors that can determine the exposure of the individual to chemical, physical and biological agents:
• plan procedures to limit the risk of exposure to the agent identified as a possible risk;
• apply and modulate the procedures according to the structural and organizational characteristics of the specific working situations in which they will operate.
Both traditional methods for the transmission of contents, information and operational schemes, and moments and methodologies for the active involvement of the participants will be used, through group exercises, analysis and case discussion, alternating plenary moments with moments of restricted activity in multi- session in which to do more design and / or reflection work.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Legislative and safety aspects in occupational hygiene and medicine
Legislative Decree 81/2008 and subsequent amendments: introduction and regulatory landscape National and international legislation and guidelines for chemical, physical, biological risk, for the confined use of genetically modified microorganisms, for the deliberate release of genetically modified organisms, Legislative Decree 206/2001. Ionizing radiations.
Hazardous chemicals and their cataloging; biological agents and bio-safety levels; video terminals; physical agents and non-ionizing radiation.
Risk assessment
Risk identification: chemical, physical and biological risk management
Assessment of exposure and epidemiological data on risks in the laboratory
Factors that can affect the occurrence of an accident in the laboratory
Environmental / biological monitoring for exposure to chemical, physical and biological substances
Good practices
Disinfection and sterilization
Waste management
Collective and individual protection devices. Emergency plans and procedures
Health surveillance in the management of chemical, physical and biological risk
Importance of training and information

Core Documentation

Free download the Laboratory Safety MAnual from the WHO web site: https://www.who.int/csr/resources/publications/biosafety/Biosafety7.pdf

Type of delivery of the course

The course is held by Prof. P. Visca (coordinator) assisted by 8 specialists designated by the National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work (INAIL) and by INMI "L. Spallanzani "as part of an agreement with the Roma Tre University.


Given the importance of the course for prevention purposes in the workplace and the need to provide legally documented training, attendance at the course is absolutely MANDATORY. To this end, the teacher will record the identity and signature of each student entering and leaving the lesson. For admission to the final test, the student must have followed all the lessons. ONLY ONE ABSENCE (FOR JUSTIFIABLE REASONS) IS TOLERATED

Type of evaluation

The written test consists of multiple choice and open-ended questions on all the topics covered during the course.